absolute contentment (trupti) from within, so that you do not experience external desires.
Questioner: What will become of those who go around
Dadashri: Those who are being robbed are really making an 'earning'. Being robbed in the 'relative' would be considered as an earning in the 'real'.
Questioner: What is maha-mohaniya (greatly deluding)
Dadashri: Any misuse in matters of religion is mahamohaniya karma, and such a karma will bind terrible lifetimes to come. Any money-related business in religion, is not considered so bad, but if there is immorality, then one will bind horrendous karma. Misuse in worldly matters is called deluding (mohaniya) karma, and misuse in matters of religion is called maha-mohaniya (greatly deluding) karma.
...Therefore a Return Ticket to a Lower LifeForm!
In the worldly religion, if you say to the guru, 'Sir, do this for me,' he will be well pleased. That is perfectly fine. Because how can one live without the ego? But money and sexuality should never enter into religion. If I accepted money, then it would mean that people are beggars and so am I. Then what would be the difference between a Gnani Purush and other people? Therefore, the Gnani Purush does not have any beggarly desire for anything. He desires nothing. I do not have any desire for respect, any desire for money, any desire for sex, any desire for fame or any desire for disciples - No desire of any kind. Wherever there is even a trace of desire, Bhagwan (God) and bhakta (devotee) remain separate. And in the absence of desire, it means that Bhagwan and devotee (bhakta) have become one. Not everyone quarrels in religion;