The Followers of the Ever Growing One
Among authors best-known and most studied we may mentions: Ācārya kundakunda, among the early maters the greatest, whose numerous works include the Samayasăra and the Pravacanasāra.252 Opinions differ as to the age in which he lived: the IInd century perhaps, or later. It is not known exactly where he was born, but it was very probably in this region. 253 He is mentioned in inscriptions at Śravana Belgoļa.254
- Vācakara Umāsyāti, the author of the Tattvārtha-sūtra, a basic doctrinal work regarded as authoritative by all the Jainas. According to Digambara tradition he was probably, if not a direct disciple, at least in the spiritual line descended from Kundakunda; he too is mentioned in some inscriptions at Śravana Belgola.255
- Pūjyapāda (Devanandi) of the Vth or Vlth century, a grammarian, poet and philosopher, famous for his commentary on the Tattvärthasūtra, the Sarvārthasiddhi. 256
252 Cf. Upadhye, PSa, Introd., pp. 23-120 for the works of Kundakunda and an exhaustive introd. to the PSa.
253 "... conclusive proof if now adduced to show that he hailed from Konakondha in the Gooty Taluk of Anantapur Dt. now in Adhra State. This village formerly belonged to Karnāļāka and its earlier name was
a. This conclusion is arrived at after a critial examination of all the relevant material on the subject including the local antiquities and inscriptios." Desai, 1957, Persace p. xi,
254 Cf. Upadhye, ibid., p. 8. Kundakunda may have ben the head of the Mülasamgha which traces its origin as far back as the beginning of our era. cf. JSK I, pp. 340-341 for the lineage of the acāryas of the Mulasamgha.
255 Cf. Upadhye, ibid., pp. 4-5. Malvania (TS Sukhlal Preface) puts the composition of the TS between the IVth and Vih centuries. Sukhlal, (ibid., pp. 50-51) mentions that the text was in all probability written at Pätaliputra and thence concludes that Umāsvāti must have been a native of the East..
256 Cf. JSK III, pp. 81-82.
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