The Unknown Pilgrims
Nāțtiga-bhatārar, disciple of Nālkūr-kkurattigal; lļaneccurattu-kkurattigal, disciple of Tirtha-bhatāra; Arațțanēmmi(Aristanemi)-kkurattigal,disciple of Mammai-kkurattigal; Tirupparutti-kkurattigal, disciple of Pattini-bhatāra; Miļalūr-kkurattigal, disciple of Pērūr-kkurattiyār.306
In the second group of texts it is stated that the kurattiyār is presenting an image in the name of another person - it being understood that this religious act is meritorious both for the person who makes the offering and also the one in whose name the offering is made, this latter being usually a śrāvaka.307 These śrāvakas were probably disciples of the kurattiyār in question, although this is expressly stated only once. We must add that, these inscriptions being so brief, it is possible to interpret in two ways the relationship between kurattiyārs and śrāvakas: the śrăvaka was either a disciple of the kurattiyār, the guruni of the particular place, or of the kurattiyārcommunity of this same place. For example an image was sculpted for Ênādi kuttap månākkan (disciple) of Tirumalai-kkurattiga! which means that he was the disciple of the head kurattigal of Tirumalai or a disciple of the kurattigals of that place. 308
and preceptors are generally mentioned even in such public documents as the inscriptions on stone and rock..."
Tiruccāraṇam, a mountain of
305 Tiruccāraṇattu, prob. derived from Travancore; cf. Desai, ibid., p. 67.
306 Cf. Chakravarti, 1974, App. inscr. 51; 53; 61; 64; 66; 67; 73; pp. 180181; 185-188; 191.)
307 Ibid., inscrs. 54; 55; 57; 74; 75; pp. 181-183; 191-192. According to these inscrs. the person on whose behalf the kurattiyår had made the offering is also in all probability the donor who has contributed to the expenses of the setting up of the image.
308 Ibid., inscr. 65; p. 187.
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