Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 02
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 14
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ख्यात 691 known, proclaim; 212 7 Ms. 7. 201. -2 To tell, declare, relate; qua: FFT24-a: Bh. 2. 69; Ms. 11. 99. -3 To extol, make renowned, praise. ta p. p. [ET] 1 Known; Cari 7: TECHÌA FFT R. 18. 6. -2 Named, called. -3 Told. -4 Cele brated, famous, well-known. -5 Notorious; era: a a t fargtfa af art 71a: Udb. -8 Made known, betrayed, discovered ; ( targa p. p. Caus.) 441914Gefa s tarfa Pt. 1. 39. - 1 Communication, mention. -2 Proclamntion. -Comp. -TUT a. notoriously vile, infamous. T EU a. 1 To be styled or called. -2 To be told. - To be celebrated. terra: f. [cap ] 1 Ronown, fame, reputation, glory, celebrity; Egilegan fasza: Rām. 7. 66.9; Ms. 12. 36; # Eifagaran ar Pt. 1. 371. -2 A name, title, appellation. -3 Narration. -4 Praise. -5 (In phil. ) Knowledge, the faculty of discriminating objects by appropriate designation; turfa 7 Heage97-4CAT 4 Si. 4. 55. -6 Praise. -7 Opinion, view, assertion; straffet #ara fazer: Eurfaaf Bhag. 11. 16. 21. -Comp. , -7777 a. glorious.--2127: sense of honour. -feat the state of being contradictory to general opinion. EU19 a. 1 Making known, declaring. -2 One who confesses. -3 Indicative. EUTA 1 Declaring, divulging; fra R EUT CAT 74 Mb. 5. 190. 22.-2 Confessing, avowing, publicly declaring; Ms. 11. 227. - 3 Making renowned, celebrating. a. (Used only at the end of comp.) Who or what goes, going, moving, being, staying, remaining, having sexual intercourse with &c.; cf. Ms. 4. 120; Y. 3. 290; R. 3. 13. "T: 1 A Gandharva. -2 An epithet of Ganesa. -3 A long syllable used as an abbreviation of ye, in prosody ). -4 Siva. -5 Visnu; cf. 7: sat wa: facu: Enm. -, -T A song; गं वादित्रं शरणं वरम् । ivid. गगनम् (-णम्)(Some suppose गगण to be an incorrect form, as is observed by a writer :- 19 ucalquefa :) 1 The sky, atmosphere; eta 17FLETT TE: 10 R. 3. 43: 771914a agath Pt.5.6; ASü #14: wala art. S. 4. (v.1.): Si. 9. 27.-2 (In math.) A cypher. -3 Firmament. -4 Heaven. -Comp. -3794 the highest lon vens. -375T a heavenly nymph, an Apsaras. -37a: 1 the sun. -2 a planet. -3 a celestial being. -74 1. rain-water. -3 : the planet Mars. -EH, -969 'sky-flower'; i. e. any unreal thing, an impossibility; soe 2904. -fa: 1 a deity. -2 a celestial being; Me. 48.-3 a planet. - also T a ) a. moving in the air. (-:) 1 a bird. -2 a planet. -3 a heavenly spirit. -4 a lunar mansion. -8 the zodiae (fr ). -tag: 1 the sun. -2 a cloud. TAFT: nonsense, absurdity. - «. reaching upto heaven; datadt Talen : Si. 17. 39. -fagift a. moving or ranging in the sky; II. 1. 19; a R afael att Udb. (-m.) 1 a luminary. -2 the sun. -8 a celestial boing. - a. dwelling in the air. (m.) a celestial being; factTTT: lugiat Si. 4. 53. fer f. an epithet of the Ganges; manytautaTF2 K. Fr, fua a. situated in the sky. - ata: 1 air, wind. -2 N. of one of the eight Maruts. TET 1 P. To laugh, deride. (74-; Uņ. 1. 120 ] 1 The river Ganges, the most sacred river in India; अधोधो गङ्गेयं पदमुपगता स्तोकमथवा Bh. 2. 10; R. 2.26 ; 13.57; (mentioned in Rv. 10. 75.5, along with other rivers considered sacred in India ). -2 The Ganges personitied as a goddess. [Ganga is the eldest daughter of Hina vat. It is said that a curse of Brabma made her come down upon earth, where she became the first wife of King Santanu. She bore him eight sons, of whom Bhisma, the youngest, became a well-known personage, renowned for his valour and life-long celibacy. According to another account she came down on earth being propitiated by Bhagiratha ; nee 179 and 775 also ; and cf. Bh. 2. 10 1. 38 #T a tra Mabānār. Up. 5. 4. -Comp. -3779, -3RTE *. 1 water of the Ganges. - 2 pure rain-water (such as falls in the month of 3 ). -CGTC: 1 the descent of the Ganges on the earth; भगीरथ इव दृष्टगशावतार: 5.32 (where गहा" also means 'descent into the Ganges' for: blution). - N. of a sncred place. -34 a collection of oight verses addressed to the Ganges; ne fa 4: gua: à arcuar fatfa t a: 1 -334: the source of the Ganges.'- the river Ganges and the district two Koss on either of its banks. -art Gangetio kite. - :, - : 1 N. of Bhisma. -2 of Kartikeya ; igata 8. $. ....69 For Private and Personal Use Only


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