Book Title: Mahavira and his Teaching
Author(s): C C Shah, Rishabhdas Ranka, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Bhagwan Mahavir 2500th Nirvan Mahotsava Samiti
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2.2. Prākrit: subhāṣita-samgraha-s are of much earlier date. Probably the earliest was Hāla's Satta saī, possibly from the second century A.D.1 A. The Vajjālagga of Jayavallabha 3.1. Also of an early date is the Jaina Prākrit subhāṣita-sangraha-- the Valjalagga (Vaj.) of Jay a valia bha (Jayavallaha). sayavallabha was a Svetāmbara Jaina, as was stated by Ratnateva, the comentator on Vaj., he wrote the commentary in the year 1391 (probably Vikrama era, though not so stated). The Vaj. is known to exist in two recensions; in both recensions it contains 1344 verses (692 + 652), of which only 449 are common to both recensions and 389 to all the manuscripts. In the Laber's
The period of the third century A.D. to A.D. 800 is more probable. CE A. B. Kerru, History of Sanskrit Literature; p. 224 who came to thus conclusion on the basis of linguistic grounds; V. V. MIRASHI, The Date of the Gathå saptašati in Siddha Bhāratr, Veśveśvarānand Indological Series 2. p. 173 and Indian Historical Quarterly 23.4, pp. 300 sqq. Cf. also R. G. BHANDARKAR's Commemoration Volume; pp. 189 sqq.; H. LüDERS, Bruchstucke Buddhistischer Dramen; p. 64; H. JACOBI, Ausgewählte Erzahlungen 2 Mahārā stri; pp xiv, sqq. It is possible that there existed in the fifth century a Jaina Prakrit subhāşıta-samgraha, the Chapaņņaya Gāhāo (See p. 44, footnote 2). Edited critically on the basis of 8 MSs. in two different recensions by 1. LABER I Bibl. Ind (work 227), 1914-44 and by M. V. PATWARDHAN 1Prakrit Text Society Series, No. 14, Prakrit Text society, Ahmedabad 1969. First 203 gåthå-s also edited by N. A. GORE in Continental Prakashan. Poona, 1956. CF R. G. BHANDARKAR IV Report (1883-84), pp. 17 and 234 sqq., J. LABER, Ueber das Vajzalaggam des Jayavallabha, Inaugural Dissertation der Universitat zu Bonn, Leipzig 1913. See also Vanjälaggam, a Prakruta Poelical Work on Rhetorics with Sanskrit Version ed. by J. LABER in Brbl. Ind. (work 281). The MS. described by R. G. Bhandarkar belongs to the shorter version which contains 704 verscs dealing with 48 subjects; originally the anthology was intended to be composed of 700 verses (it is so stated in one of the closing verses. saltasayomatto)
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