Book Title: Mahavira and his Teaching
Author(s): C C Shah, Rishabhdas Ranka, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Bhagwan Mahavir 2500th Nirvan Mahotsava Samiti
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eliminate delusion desire and aversion and to attain his peace and purity is called Right Conduct. These three gems Right belief, Right knowledge and Right conduct, together constitute the path way leading to liberation.
The process of subsidence thus occupies a very important place in the spiritual speculation of Jainas. The triple control i.e. steady posture, channelling the thought activities on the meditation of the soul's true attributes and maintaining absolute silence lead to the stoppage of influx and gradual dissociation of karman. The process is as follows:
Triple control release that energy left unobscured by the partially obstructing energy obstructing karma, but so far wasted in the passionate activity of body, mind and speech. This released energy go to the help of the special stationary wave motion of soul and with this help the soul's special stationary waves gains momentum and overcomes the disturbance of the belief deluding karma. The soul gains more belief, knowledge and conduct. He becomes equanimous and calm. The soul's quivering and artificial stickiness vanish. In their absence no fresh influx or bondage of karman can happen. In addition because of the absence of the artificial sticky state of the soul or its hold, the embedded karman too move away without affecting the soul in any way. On the complete dissociation of the four obscuring karman the soul becomes an embodied omniscient. In this stage he reveals the truth to the aspirants.
After the expiry of the age karma that synchronizes with the other three non-obscuring karman, he is released from his body. Pure soul being absolutely weightless in an instant reaches the top most universe. He stays there to eternity possessed of eight special and other attributes, that include infinite happiness. This in short is the state of liberation.
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