Book Title: Mahavira and his Teaching
Author(s): C C Shah, Rishabhdas Ranka, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Bhagwan Mahavir 2500th Nirvan Mahotsava Samiti
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LUDWIK STERNBACH 13.2. We come across similar ideas in Srig. and in SRS., but the language used in these two works is quite different; and so, for instance Śróg. 43 (similarly as SRS. 6.22)' speak about the bad qualities of women; in Srig. we read:
यामोऽन्यत्र द्रुततरमितो मित्र यत्कण्ठपीठे नाय हारश्चकितहरिणीलोचनायाश्चकास्ति । नाभीरन्ध्रे विहितवसतिर्योऽस्ति कदर्पसर्पस्
तन्मुक्तोऽय स्फुरति रुचिर किन्तु निर्मोकपट्टः ।। 13.3. Different parts of the body of women are expressed in Srig. 16 quite differently from those in SRS. (6.19);2 we read there
अलं प्राप्य स्पर्श कुचकलशयो. पङ्कजदृशा परां प्रीतिं भ्रात' कलयसि सुधामग्न इव किम् । अवस्कन्दं धर्मक्षितिपकटके दातुमनसा प्रयुक्तं जानीयाः कलुषवरटेन स्पर्श मिमम् ।।
The advice to shun women is exrressed in Srig. (12) in the following, how different from SRS. (6.23)3, manner:
यियाससि भवोदधेर्यदि तटं तदेणीदृशाम् अहीनमधरं धरं परिहरेः परं दूरतः । इहास्फलनतोऽन्यथा विशदवासनानौस्तव व्रजिष्यति विशीर्णतां न भविता ततो वाच्छितम् ।।
13.4. Most of the verses in Srig. which teach, in general, as SRS. did, Jaina ethics are expressed in severe and ascetic, but ornate and “beautifully turned" language, appropriate for a subhāṣitasangraha. Real subhasata-s are for instance verses 15, 31, or 36.4
Quoted above para 12 5 2.
Quoted above para 12.5 3 3 Quoted above para 12.5.3 4. कस्तूरिकातिलकितं तुलिताष्टमीन्दु
चित्ते विचिन्तयसि सौख्यनिमित्तमेकम् ।
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