Book Title: Mahavira and his Teaching
Author(s): C C Shah, Rishabhdas Ranka, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Bhagwan Mahavir 2500th Nirvan Mahotsava Samiti
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or in 6.19 which proves an excellent knowledge of Amitagati of similes generally used in the secular Sanskrit subhāṣita literature:
वक्तु लालाद्यवद्य सकलरसभृता स्वर्णकुम्भद्वयेन मांसग्रन्थी स्तनौ च प्रगलदुरुमला स्यन्दनाङ्गेन योनिः । निर्गच्छदूषिकास्त यदुपमितमहो पद्मपत्रेण नेत्र तच्चित्र नात्र किचिद् यदपगतमतिर्जायते कामिलोक. ।।
12.5.3. According to Amitagati, women should be avoided because (6.23): (Contd.)
of verses (9) drutavılambrta. chapter 20 (10) toțaka. chapter 29. 1 to 26
13 syllables to a pāda: (11) rucirà: chapter 27
14 syllables to a pāda. vasantatılakā: chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 30
15 syllables to a pāda: (13) målini . chapter 1, 28 and aścs 41
17 syllables to a pada: (14) mand akrāntā : chapters 18 and 19 (15) prthvi . chapters 10, 13.6 to 10 and aśis 38 (16) harini : chapter 11 (17) śikharıņi chapter 13.11 to 24 and aśıs 44
19 syllables to a păda. śårdulavikridita, chapters 12, 13.1 to 5, 17; 29.28 and ašis 39, 40, 43
21 syllables to a pāda. (19) sragdhara : chapters 6, 16, 26 and 31. 117, 32. 29 to
36, aśis 37 (20)
pañcakávali : 14.32 and 15.26
Matrāvștta (21) ārya : chapters 14 and 15 (with the exception of 14.4
and 15.20) (22) giti-āryā: 14 4 and 15.20
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