Book Title: Mahavira and his Teaching
Author(s): C C Shah, Rishabhdas Ranka, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Bhagwan Mahavir 2500th Nirvan Mahotsava Samiti
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To make available further data for the compilation of a lexicon of Old Gujarātī and to attract interest to it, in view of the time-lapse involved in the appearance of a published study, perhaps researchers should plan on pre-publication lexical reports.
In the course of preparing a glossary for an edition of the Dhannasalibhadracarita, composed by Matisāra in V.S. 1678 (1622 A.D.) I have encountered Old Gujarātī forms which, to my knowledge, have not been reported elsewhere.
The following is intended, therefore, as a preliminary report.1 āsvädatau: pres. pt., nom. sg. msc., 'eat'. A denominative stem; cf. Modern Gujarātī (MG.) āsväd, msc., 'taste'. surataru phala āsvādatau re ham anna-tanau ācāra (28.14) 'You were accustomed to eating the fruit of the Divine Tree'. āhīṭhāņa:
nom. sg. msc., 'state of longing'; cf. Ardhamāgadhī (Amg.) ahi, Skt. adhi; and Pkt. ṭhāņa, Skt. sthāna.
sāla-taņi pari sālisyai jī e mujha ahīṭhāņa (23, 28) 'My longing for you will pierce me like a thorn.'
asamgaita: adj., nom. sg. msc., 'devoted'; cf. Skt. āsamga, āyata. asamgäita je husyai te kahisyai sau vāra (20.6) [A man] who is devoted [to a woman] will tell [her] a hundred times'.
aulajau: opt., 2 p. pl., 'to end'; cf. MG. olavvũ, holavvu. tau lyau samjama bhāra jau bhava bhamatām aulajau (14.28) 'Undertake restraint [of the senses] if you wish to bring an end to your wandering about in the samsar'.
auha: adj., obl. pl. msc., 'unbounded' (var. sp.: uha, aūā); cf. Pkt. aua, Skt. ayuta.
jího auha leṣa le vahai jího kasturi ghanasara/
jího atha pahura-lagi sāmaṭhā jiho nāṭaka-nā domkāra (4.22) 'Their bodies drenched with musk and camphor, they
Numbers within parentheses refer to the locations of quoted matter in the edited text (unpublished).
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