Book Title: Mahavira and his Teaching
Author(s): C C Shah, Rishabhdas Ranka, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Bhagwan Mahavir 2500th Nirvan Mahotsava Samiti
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any one of the five natural tastes, any one of the two natural smells and two out of the four natural touches one moment and another one natural colour, another one natural taste, another natural smell and another two of the four natural touches. The next moment and so on in repetition, admitting in addition momentary variations in their intensity reckoned in infinite intensity gradations."
In the case of the particle within the molecule the special stationary wave motion is subjected to interference by the special stationary waves of the adjoining particle or particles. This is abnormal special stationary wave motion of matter. This admits in the elementary particle of matter within the molecule, shape variations after crystalline or otherwise. Likewise the abnormal super energy wave motion of matter allows the particle to persist with any one colour, any one taste, any one smell and two natural and two resultant touches, either in natural or complementary shades, for a shorter or longer duration. This also admits infinite intensity gradations in colour, taste, smell and touch.
As matter particles are eternally possessed of positive or negative electric charge forming the natural binding forces or stickiness their free state is short-lived. Matter being unconscious ever remains unaffected in any state. 4. Conclusion
From the foregoing we can infer that space, medium of motion, medium of rest, every time particle, every soul and every elementary particle of matter are independent wavy units. It is the different inherent wave types that account for the various attributes marking the distinction of the substances.
We shall now look into the process of successive replenishment of the disintegrating karma molecules leading to the continued existence intact of the beginningless subtle body. 1. Ananta-avibhāga-praticcheda
Snigdha and Ruksa are the two kinds of electricity Positive and Negative. Refer page 209 of Prof. G. R. Jain's Cosmology Old and New.
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