Book Title: Mahavira and his Teaching
Author(s): C C Shah, Rishabhdas Ranka, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Bhagwan Mahavir 2500th Nirvan Mahotsava Samiti
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that scientific approach or rational approach cannot exhaust the domain of ethics. Here, we may safely mention supra-scientific or supra-rational approach in this context. This does not contradict the ordinary scientific and rational approach but it includes and transcends this ordinary empircal and rational approach. So, it becomes clear that there is place of ethics even in this age of science. In a sense, science, particularly scientists (their actions, decisions etc.) are not above the realm of moral judgements We have every right to say that scientist's particular decision to invent or use particular scientific theory is good or bad. As a matter of fact, there is greater need of ethics in the nuclear age. No doubt, there has been tremendous and stupendous developments in the field of science and technology. Time and space have been conquered. Science has really contributed much to human comforts and his material well-being. But despite these man is not happy ultimately. This is mainly because there has been decline of ethical or moral virtues. We have become more self-seekers, envious etc. This decline of moral qualities is not confined to individual and social levels but also to national and international levels. That is why there is unrest and suffering everywhere. Now, it is needless to overemphasise that ethics can play pivotal part in all these planes of humanity-individual, social, national and international levels. We as students of philosophy are aware of social, political and international morality and know that they are useful and important not only theoretically but also practically. The ethical virtues like truth, non-violence, love, kindness etc. are useful and desirable not only for individuals but also for society, state and the world as a whole. So, it is obvious that ethics is all the more useful and important in the present age of science which is being torn and tormented by violence, hatred, jealousy, discord etc. The following remarks of Mr. K. Bala Subramania Aayer is also applicable to ethics particularly. He observed thus: “The experiments of nuclear explosion have affected the health of the present generation and the future generations as well. Philosophy should, therelore, occupy a
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