Book Title: Mahavira and his Teaching
Author(s): C C Shah, Rishabhdas Ranka, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Bhagwan Mahavir 2500th Nirvan Mahotsava Samiti
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ON SOME NON CANONICAL SUBHĀȘITA13.5. Srig. mentions twicel Siva almost in a devotional manner, so that it could be argued that Srng. was originally a Sivaite work, later changed into a Jaina work3; that forced, probably, the Jaina commentator to explain that शिवपुर (used in verse 38 equals मुक्तनगर. It may be noted that SRS. also mentioned in some cases Siva, Visnu, Hari, etc.4 but in another context, so that there cannot be any doubt that the latter work is purely Jinistic in character. There, the Brahmanical gods are not considered as worth worshipping, since they lusted after women and were devoted to the sensuous and voluptuous world. 14. In all these above mentioned didactic and gnomic subhasita works the verses, each standing by itself, are written in kavya style and with the exception of some parts of SRS., can be
(Contd.) वामध्रुवां यदलिक तदहो अलीकम् इत्याख्ययैव परया प्रवदन्ति रूपम् ।। (५) या स्त्रीति नाम्ना बिभृते शयादी शस्त्री प्रबुद्धैरवबुध्यतां सा। एनां पुरस्कृत्य जगत्यनङ्गभटो यत: पुण्यभटं भिनत्ति ॥ (३१) स्मरक्रीडावाप्यां वदनकमले पक्ष्मलदृशां दृढासक्तिर्येषामधरमधुपान विदधताम् । अद्रस्था बन्धव्यसनघटना क्लेशमहती विमुग्धाना तेषामिह मधुकराणामिव नृणाम् ॥ (३६) Verses 33 and 39 प्रीति तन्वन्त्यनलसदृशो यास्तरुण्यस्तवैता देहद्युत्या कनकनिभया द्योतिताशा किवेकिन् । सत्यं तासामनलसदृशां सयमारामराज्यां या भू. पाश्र्वेऽप्यसि यदि शिवावाप्तये बद्धबुद्धिः।। (३३) यातुं यद्यनुरुच्यते शिवपुरी रामानितम्बस्थली मुञ्चेर्दूरमिमामनङ्गलभक्रीडाविहारोचिताम् । (३९) Today it shows clear traces of Jinistic influence E.g. 11.183; 12.73; 12.12%; 141; 16.23, etc.
3. 4.
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