Book Title: Mahavira and his Teaching
Author(s): C C Shah, Rishabhdas Ranka, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Bhagwan Mahavir 2500th Nirvan Mahotsava Samiti
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16.1. Hema candra's Yoga śāstra', of which chapters I-IV are similar to SRS.; they give a clear account of Jaina philosophy, while the latter eight chapters deal with various duties and ascetic practices of the Jainas. Hemacandra used the term "yoga" in a general sense of religious effort, including the whole duty of a pious Jaina of which meditation is duly one part2; 16.2. Jinadatta Sūri's (contemporary to Hemacandra) Upadeśara sāyana Rāsa in 80 Apabhramğa verses, Kālasva rūpa kulaka in 32 Apabhramśa verses and Caccar 13 in 47 Apabhramsa verses; 16.3. Soma prabh a's Kumāra pāla-prati bodha in Prākrit and Apabhramša in prose and in verse; this poem is divided into 5 sections, called prastāva-s. Somaprabha, the author of the Kumāra pāla-pratibodha, is identical with the author of the Sūktim uktāv a 114; he was the pupil of Vijaysimha who occupied the seat of the High-priest after Ajitadeva; he was also the author of a hymn to Pārśva in Apabhramśas and of the ša tārtha kā vya of which most verses were written in the vasantatılakā metre and can be explained in different ways.
Published in Bombay in 1899; in Bibl. Ind. in 1907 by MUNI MAHĀRĀJA ŚRI DHARMAVIJAYA SŪRI; ed. partly by E. WINDISCH with a German translation in ZDMG. 28.185 sqq.; by F. BELLONI FILIPPI with an Italian translation in GSAI 21, pp. 113 sqq., 22.123 sqq.; 23.171 sqq. Cf. F. BELLONI FILIPPI in ZDMG, 62, pp. 187 s
VIJAYADHARMASŪRI in the Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 6.6; 267 sqq.; J. HERTEL, Ueber das Amitagati ... (op. cit. p. 61, fn. 5); pp. 105 sqq.; M. A. GUÉRINOT in JA. s. 10; t. 14; No. 1105. M. WINTERNITZ. The Jainas in the History of Indian Literature (Jaina Sahitya Samsodhaka Pratışthan, Ahmedabad 1946, p. 20. Or Carcari or Cācari or Dharmara sāya na. Quoted in para 15. Munırā ja Jinavijaya (op. cit. p. 70 fn. 4), p. vi.
4. 5.
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