Book Title: Mahavira and his Teaching
Author(s): C C Shah, Rishabhdas Ranka, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Bhagwan Mahavir 2500th Nirvan Mahotsava Samiti
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Jivaka killed them with the help of his mind full of control over his passions.
In the twelfth gunasthāna, the Kșinakașā ya-vītarāga-chadmastha gunasthāna, Jivaka annihilates the two kinds of sleep, the nidrākarma and the pracalākarma.' He also eradicates the five Jrānāvaraniyakarmas2. the darśanavaranī ya karmas, and the five antarā yakarmas with the help of the sukladhyāna. The way he uproots these karmas is also explained by the poet as a war. He says that “the kings Uñarvu, Kātchi and Pēru (Jānāvaranī yakarmas, darśanīvarni ya karmas and antara yakarmas) came blazing with anger, with their army which had inferior knowledge, to fight with Jivaka,. But they all fell down when attacked by the roaring flames of arrows of sukladhyāna and lay on the ground surrounded by the infantry.”3
Once he has annihilated the above said karmas he ascends to the thirteenth gunasthāna, the Sayogikevli gunasthāna, where he destroys all the ghātī ya karmas and attains the four infinite qualities anantajñāna, anantadarsana, anantavīrya and anantasukha, and surpasses the three lokas and the aloka and achieves godhood.4 In this stage his queens come to worship him and on their request, he preaches Mahāvira's teachings to them.. After this he ascends to the final gunasthāna, where he destroys all the remaining aghāti ya karmas and attains liberation.
Thus the author has explained the whole progress of the soul on its path to salvation through the story of Jivaka in Jivakacintāmani. This text, by its literary merits, holds a position similar to Valmīki's Rāmāyana in Sanskrit literature and through its religious significance it occupies the position of an ideal religious text for all Jains.
Ibid. verse 3080. Ibid. verse 3081. Ibid. verse 3081. Ibid. verse 3082. Ibid. verses 3105-3111. U. V. Swaminatha Iyer-Introduction to Jivakacinthåmanı-First edition, October 1887.
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