Book Title: Mahavira and his Teaching
Author(s): C C Shah, Rishabhdas Ranka, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Bhagwan Mahavir 2500th Nirvan Mahotsava Samiti
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excerpts from Jaina secular writings, as for instance, the Jaina Pañcatantra (by Pūrṇabhadra in particular), Parsvanatha-caritra or the Jaina drama by Bālacandra entitled Karuṇāvajrāyudhanātaka. In addition, many ethical subhasita-s culled from non-Jaina sources were included in this subhāṣita-samgraha, if they contained teachings more or less ethically connected with Jaina teachings. They were often culled from the Mahābhārata, in particular the Bhagavad-gītā, the Mānava-dharmaśāstra, Yā jñavalkya-smṛti and other dharmasastra-s and dharmasutra-s, Purana-s (Bhāgavata-, Visņu-, Padma-, Markandeya-, Bhāviṣya-purāņa-s, etc.), so-called Canakya's sayings, kathā-works, such as the Pañcatantra, Hitopadeśa, Vikramacarita, Vetālapañcavimsatikā, Sukasaptati and Kalidasa's writings, such as the Raghuvaṁśa, etc., etc. The great value of this subhāṣita-saṁgraha lies in the division of the subhāṣita-s in chapters according to subject matters and the indication of the sources from which the great majority of the subhāṣita-s were culled, so that it is easy to check most of the subhāṣita-s quoted in the original sources. That system has also its drawbacks. And so, for instance, some verses were quoted more than once in various places of this five-volume subhāṣita-samgraha (e.g. a so-called Canakya's verse in 3.1110.2 and in 4.1387.19 where it is attributed to Vyasadeva(?)); other verses originated in other sources than in those to which they were ascribed (e.g. 1.31.13 attributed to Pūrva-mīmāṁsā is a Pañcatantra verse [Tantrākhyāyikā 3.62, etc.]; 1.206.16 attributed to Vivekavilāsa is a Mahābhārata verse which also occurs in the Mārkaṇḍeya-purāņa, Hitopadeśa, etc.; 1.288.3 attributed to Carpațamañjarī is a Mahabharata verse which also appears in the Vikramacarita; 3.827.13 attributed to Vṛddha-harita-smrti is a Mānava-dharmasastra verse (8.125); 3.871.4 attributed to Upadeśaprāsāda is a so-called Canakya's saying; 4.1313.24 attributed to Pārsvanatha-carita is a Pañcatantra verse which also occurs in the Vetālapañcaviṁśatikā and in the Bhojaprabandha, etc.); the origin of subhāṣita-s quoted as anonymous can also be identified in original sources (e.g. 2.686.6 is a Vikramacarita verse; or 4.1450.91 is a Pañcatantra verse) while the readings of others are not always correct (e. g. 2.688.6 is
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