Book Title: Mahavira and his Teaching
Author(s): C C Shah, Rishabhdas Ranka, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Bhagwan Mahavir 2500th Nirvan Mahotsava Samiti
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hypermetric in a and should read 31577 ES 2. Despite these imperfections this modern subhāștta-sangraha is very useful and informative. It can be considered as a companion for Jaina subhāşıta-s of the Hinduistic Subhāsıta-ratna-bhāņdāgāra or Subhāșita-sudhā-ratna-bhāņdāgāra. E. Collections of Anyokti-s: 8. Also collections of anyoktı-s (allegorical verses) should be considered as subhāşıta-samgraha-s. Such a Jaina collection of anyokiz-s is the Anyok timu k tā vals of Hamsa vijay a g a ņ1.1 The Subhāşıtapadya-ratnākara (para 7) refers to it several times. The anthology is divided into 8 parıccheda-s and contains 1199 verses (anyoktz-s), many of the verses are also quoted in other subhasıta-samgraha-s, proving that it is not exclusively of Jinistic character. The anthology was written in samvat 1736 (= A.D. 1679) and was prepared at the request of Vijayarājasūrı (or Vijayānandasūri), the chief priest of Tapā Gaccha; he was also teacher of Hamsavijayagani. From among other collections of anyoktı-s in particular the Anyok tisa taka of Darśa na vijay a gani, published by Hīrālāl Hamsarāja (Jamnagar 1913) is worth noting. F. Unpublished Jaina Subhāșita-samgraha-s: 9. More numerous are Jaina subhāṣita-samgraha-s preserved only in manuscripts; they were not yet published. Many of them exist in various libraries in India and Europe. Amongst the most important are: 9.1. The Sam y a kt v a-k a u mudika thā(na ka); it is an extensive subhasita-samgiaha kept in the India Office Library (A.B. Keith No. 7700); it is written in Jaina nāgari on 141 folia with an interlining bhāṣa. The MS. is dated A.D. 1771; 9.2. One of the oldest is an anonymous Subhāsit asa m gra ha in (MS. 1425 of 1887-91) kept in the Bhandarkar 1. The Anyoktımuktāvali of Hamsávijaya, Ed by Pt Kedāranātha son of
Mm. Pt. Durgaprasāde and Wāsudeva Lahşmaņa śāstri Panašikar in Kāvyamala (K.M.) No. 88. Cf. MA Gunnot in Journal Asiatique (JA)
s. 10; t. 14; pp. 47 sqq. No 1106. M .M .-7
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