Book Title: Mahavira and his Teaching
Author(s): C C Shah, Rishabhdas Ranka, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Bhagwan Mahavir 2500th Nirvan Mahotsava Samiti
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which seems to refer to the reading of the other editions. Santisuri's v.1. anuparicaranti is also metrical. In pada d the reading bohi found in all the editions is possible, giving the opening after the caesura. The reading boh, however, gives the preferable opening-., The same scansion could be obtained by reading hot bohi instead of bohi hoi.
16. In pāda a jo seems to have the sense of si quis 'if anyone', as the relative pronoun occasionally has in Sanskrit (see Monierwilliams, Sanskrit-English Dictionary, s.v. yad).
17. This is the only verse of the chapter which is not in the old arya metre. Charpentier points out that it is identical with verse 299 of the nijjutti, and it is very likely that the verse has been taken from that source and should be excluded from the chapter. Pada c is unmetrical in all the editions, having only 7 syllables. I suggest that the original reading domāseņa kayam has been replaced by a tat-puruşa compound domāsa-kayam.
18. With the phrase rakkhīsu gamḍa-vacchāsu compare ura-gandapisacini (Theragāthā 1151), explained by the commentary: ure utthita-ganda-doaya-vatī bhayānaka-bhāvato anatthāvahato ca pisaca-sadisi.
Jain Education International
20. If ca which is found in all the editions after Kavilenam is retained (to give the translation 'preached by Kapila too'), then the metre can be corrected by reading Kavileṇa ca. The commentary to N, however, explains: cah purane. In pada d the reading logu in N is presumably shortened from logo before tt. In combination with the numer] duve, logo must be a dual. It is usually stated that Middle Indo-Aryan has lost the dual (Pischel, § 360), but in fact traces do still remain, e.g. Kesi-Goyamao samāgame (Utt. 23.88) 'at the meeting of Kesi and Goyama', where -ao is the genitive dual ending < -ayoḥ.
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