Book Title: Mahavira and his Teaching
Author(s): C C Shah, Rishabhdas Ranka, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Bhagwan Mahavir 2500th Nirvan Mahotsava Samiti
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18. One should not be greedy for female demons, with lumps on their chests, fickle-minded, who having enticed a man sport with him as though with slaves.
19. One should not be greedy for women; a houseless one should give up women; but knowing the beautiful doctrine a monk should establish himself therein. 20. Thus this doctrine has been proclaimed by Kapila, of pure wisdom. Those who perform it will cross (the sea of samsāra); by them the two worlds are obtained. Thus I say.
i 1 VI. NOTES 1. In pāda a the reading of S could be regarded as a bad śloka; that of C V N is a classical āryā pāda with the caesura after the third gana. The Nāgārjunīya reading quoted by śāntisūri gives an old āryā pāda (if we read -g- for -gg-), and at the same time provides a locative singular form in -āe with which dukkha-paurāe can agree, although I cannot quote a feminine form gahanā from elsewhere. In pāda d aham doubtless entered the text from a gloss designed to show that gacchejjā was first person singular. Charpentier quotes a v.1. gacchejjam. Sāntisūri's v.l. is metrical if we read jenam doggało mucceijā. 2. In pada c asineha is a nominative singular without a case ending, as Charpentier states (p. 307). It is not clear why, this being so, he prints it as one word with the following word. The commentary in N explains -karehim as -kareșu. For locative plurals in -ehi(m) see the note on verse 10 below. In pāda d dosa-paheim, which would seem to underly Sāntisūri's gloss, is not metrical. 3. In pada b the metre shows that hiya- must be excluded, although it occurs in all editions. It doubtless entered the text because of hiya-nissesa- in verse 5.
4. Pada a is the only odd pāda of this chapter where the second gana is . Although Alsdorf quotes two examples of this gana in Sū ya, I, 4, it is probably out of place here. It can be avoided
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