15,17 TaltoR 2006
107 Classifications
Pratikramana can be classified in many ways. Few of them are: (A) Five types). a)Mithyātva b). Avrata c). Pramāda d). Kasāya e). Asubha yoga.. Sthananaga sutra has also classified it into five types viz., Asrava dvāra, Mithyātva, Kasāya, Yoga and Bhāva pratikramana. To return from Mithyātva to samyaktva, from avrati to vrati, from pramāda to apramāda, from kasāya to samabhāva, and from aśubha yoga to śubha yoga is the purpose of Pratikramana. (B) The second classification is based on time. Devasiya; repentance related to activities and transgressions that have taken place in the day and done at the time of sunset. Raiya, repentance related to activities and transgressions that have taken place in the night, done just before sunrise. Pākšika; repentance related to past fortnight, done on the last day of the fort-night. Caumāsiya or Cāturmāsika; repentance related to past four months. Sāmvatsariya or Sānvatsarika; repentance related to past one year. (C) Another classification is of two types Dravya Pratikramana and Bhāva Pratikramana. a) Dravya pratikramana: It is more of a ritual and is unaccompa
a ritual and is unaccompanied by repentance and the aspirant is not determined to give up the sins and continues to do them in the future. This kind of Pratikramana is called Dravya Pratikramana. b) Bhāva Pratikramana: This is the real and pure type of Pratikramana. The objective of the doer is to cleanse his soul from transgressions, so he applies his mind without any material expectations and with the objective to reduce the karmic matters and is determined not to repeat in future by being alert in every activity of mind, speech and body. Pramada is the main cause for most of the violations and transgressions. The soul has to be alert and exert in righteous activities. The best way to success is exertion in righteousness i.e. Samyaktva
Parākrama. (D) Sthānānga Sutra has classified it into six types.
(i). Uccara Pratikramana, (ii) Prasravana Pratikramana, (iii) Itvarika Pratikramana, (iv) Yavatkathika Pratikramana, (v) Yatkincit mithyāduskrta Pratikramana, (vi) Svapnantika Pratikramana.'
Thus an aspirant repents i.e. does Pratikramana by meditating upon the nature of his own self. He recounts his lapses, and transgressions of the rules of righteous conduct and thoughts. These lapses, flaws and transgressions are of four types. viz.
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