Historical and Cultural Background
During the early part of Bhima's reign the been made about the valuable services rendered by political condition of the country seems to be quite Arnorāja and his son and grandson, Lavanaprasāda unfavourable for any building activity, because self- and Viradhavala, Visaladeva, the son of Viradhavala, defence drew full attention of the state. But during was the first Vāghela chief who ascended the throne the later part of his reign the Vaghelas assisted by of Anahilapātaka in or before 1246 A. D., probably Vastupāla and Tajapāla restored the kingdom again dethroning or after the death of Tribhuvanapāla. on a strong footing and brought the peace and tran- Following the policy of his predecessors he attacked quility back in the country. This gave an oppor- Malwa and sacked the city of Dhärä. He also defetunity for erecting such stupendous temples as ated a Mewar chief, who was probably Guhilot those standing at Abu (Lūnayasahi) and Girnar Tejahsimha. But he suffered reverses at the hands (Vastupalavibāra). Two other temples, viz. the of Krsna and Mahadeva, the successors of Yadava Sambhavanātha temple at Kumbharia and the Simhana. He married a Hoysala princess, possibly Pārsvanātha temple at Ghumli, were also erected du- to avoid the Yādava menace. Of the two minister ring this period. Apart from these, there are nume- brothers, Vastupala and Tejapala, the latter was rous literary references to show that a prolific buil- alive at this time and gave his faithful services to ding activity was carried out during this period. At Visaladeva. Dholka Vastupala built a temple to Ădinātha, 214
Visaladeva was succeeded by Arjunadeva, the while at Shatrunjaya he built an Indramando pa in
son of his elder brother Pratāpamalla. In 1272 A.D. front of the Adinātha temple and temples to Nemi, Parsva, Munisuvrata and Mahāvira.218 At Girnar,
he probably suffered a defeat at the hands of Räma
candra, the grandson of Yādava Simhana. From besides the temple of Ādinātha, he built a temple to
his inscriptions it appears that his kingdom extenParsvanatha,216 Tejapāla erected a temple to
ded from Anahilapāțaka to Kutch, including the Parsvanātha at Dabhoi.217 Vastupäla-Tejapāla
whole of Kathiawar. In the north his territory built an Astāpadaprāsāda and a temple to Ādinātha
extended as far as Tdar. at Prabhāsapatana.218 Sometime before 1185 A.D. the Siddhapălavasati was erected at Anahilapa- Arjuna had two sons, Rāma and Sarangadeva. taka,219 In 1239 A. D. Sresthi Devacandra built a Rāma ruled only for a few months and was succeetemple to Ādinātha at Cărupa. 2 20
ded by Sārangadeva, who reduced in battles the po
wer of the Mālavas and the Yadavas. In his Mālava Bhima was succeeded by Tribhuvanapala whose
campaign he was assisted by one Visaladeva, who relationship with Bhima is not clear. From his inscription of 1242 A. D. he is known to have reigned
later on served him as the governor of Candravati. at Anahilapätaka. After his short reign the dynasty
He successfully repelled a Turuska invasion, which
took place during the reign of Ghiyas-ud-din Balban of Mülarāja came to an end, and the reins of power passed into the hands of the Vaghelās who ruled at
(1266-1278 A. D.). He also sent an army against Anahilapāțaka till the close of the 13th century
the Jethavas. From the provenance of his inscript
ions it appears that the kingdom of Sarangadeva A. D.
comprised the whole of central and northern GujaVaghela Period (circa 1246-1304 A. D.)
rat upto and including Abu, Kathiwar and Kutch. The earliest known king of the Vāghelā dynasty
Probably Läta also formed a part of his kingdom, is Dhavala, who married the sister of Kumārapāla's After Sārangadeva his nephew Karna, the son mother. Dhavala's son from this match was Arnorāja, of Rama, ascended the throne about 1296 AD. He who conquered Saurashtra for Kumārapāla. It was was the last Vaghela king and ruled for a very short possibly due to this achievement that he was rewar- time. In 1299 A.D. Ulugh Khan and Nusrat Khān, ded with the village of Bhimapalli, which is identi. the two generals of 'Alā-ud-din, invaded Gujarat fied with Vyāghrapalli, a village ten miles south- and defeated Karna, who, having failed to cope with west of Anahilapāțaka. It was from Vyāghrapalli (the the invaders, fled to Devagiri, and his wife Kamaltiger's lair) that the dynasty derived the name of adevi was captured and admitted to the harem of Vyāghrapalliya or Vāghela. Reference has already 'Ala-ud-din. Subsequently he seems to have reocc
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