Description of Temples
of a jadyakumbha and a karnika. The upper plan. Generally the rectangular space of the ceilings register represents a semi-circular proje- is reduced to a square by a frame of four rectanction carved with stemmed lotus in the gular slabs. The square is made by putting two centre, a projecting kirttimukha on each side slabs across the longer sides. The ceilings are of it, and two rows of diamonds on either generally raised up by a square or rectangular extremity. The door-lintel continues the frame of four stone slabs placed over the architdecoration of the sakha and depicts a padma- raves. By this device there is left narrow spaces sana Jina in dhyānamudrā on the lalața. for carving on the underside. The ceilings are Sometimes a band of lotus scrolls also described here in the same order as are done in appears above the lintel. In Devakulika 41 the Vimalavasahi. the female pitcher-bearer at the base of the jamb is flanked on the outer side by a Devakulika 1A-Square on plan it is composed of female cauri-bearer.
three receding courses, the first and the second being
square and the third, slightly rectangular. The (ii) There are only two instances of the doi
first consists of padma decorated with stencil-cut Sakha door. They can be seen in Devakulikās
flamboyant pattern and topped by a band of 12 and 40.
leaves. The second is also padma but is topped by The doorframe of Devakulika 40 is very similar a band of projecting ardhapadma motif and bears to the single-fakha door, but it has an additional carving of stencilled lotus petals. The third is jamb, also decorated with lotus scrolls. Besides, samatala having its flat surface boldly relieved here the central projection of the doorsill is square with an image of two-armed goddess Ambika carved with dimonds, and the female pitcher-bearer sitting in talitäsana on her lion mount. She carat the base of the jamb is flanked on the outer side ries amralumbi in her right hand, while with the by a female caur7-bearer,
left hand she holds a child in her lap, putting her The doorframe of Devakulika 12 consists of a palm on the child's head. On either side of the patrašakha decorated with foliate scrolls and a stam- goddess is represented a tree motif below which bhafakhas with corners chamfered into three angles. stands an Arādhaka (devotee) with folded hands, The stambhaf akhā is clasped at intervals by four de- The Ārādhaka to her right is male and that to her corative bands of caity-arch pattern, diamonds, left is female. The square frame raising up the lotus and saw-tooth pattern respectively, and carries ceiling depicts a band of kirttimukhas on the inner on its top portion mouldings of a kumbha carved with face and a band of foliate scrolls on the two narrow diamond and a kalafa. The doorsill is similar to undersides. that seen in the single-fakha door, but here it de.
IB-On plan and in structure it corresponds picts only one row of diamonds on the extremities.
to the preceding ceiling but is completed in two The door-lintel is divided into two registers. The stages only. The first consists of a square frame lower register displays a ghatapallava capital
bearing a band of kirttimukhas on the inner face, topping the jamb on either end, while the space in while its underside shows an alternate arrangebetween them is filled with the scroll-band carried ment of steps and points, leaving thus triangular over here from the patrafakha. On the lalafa is spaces in the cardinal points as well as in the depicted a Jina seated in dhyānamudra. The upper corners. These are so disposed as to form a register has a sculptural panel depicting nine stepped diamond or Greek Cross placed d lalita sana male figures carrying pitcher, or hands with the square frame; the central part of the held in adoration, in projecting niches and male Cross is covered up by the second stage. The attendant figures in alternate recesses; in one triangle on each side is replete with a whorl of instance there is a kayotsarga Jina instead of an eight-fold (5+3) flat but deeply cut kola and a attendant figure.
reverse gajatālu, while the triangle at each corner Each bay of the corridor has an ornate ceiling. is divided into two triangles, each filled up with The ceilings are built on a square or rectangular similar kola and gajatālu as we find in the side
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