Jaina Temples of Western India
The hastišala has three entrances, one in the shed with half-blown lotuses. The corner and the centre and one on each side. The central entrance central rathas of the two upper storeys are similar is led through the courtyard, while the lateral en- to the karnarathas of the lower storey, only that here trances are led through the corridor. The single- is noticed only one set of vedibandha mouldings. fakha side doorways are similar to those found in The Meru is roofed by a domical ceiling consisting the devakulikās. The central doorframe, however, of seven courses. The first course is octagonal and is of the trifakha variety, consisting of patrašakha, the others are circular. The inner face of the first stambhalakha and patrafakha. The patrašakhas are course is carved with a row of geese, while its decorated with lotus scrolls which come forth from underside at each corner depicts a caitya-arch ornathe navel of a Kinnar represented below. The ment. The second is decorated with ard hapadma stambhafakha, octagonal in section, is divided into pattern. The third is treated like a torus. The six sections by karņikās. The topmost section of next four courses are padmas, each decorated with these is decorated with ghatapallava, a row of three lotus petal-and-bud device. The circular slab, lambanas, and two bells joined by an arris. The forming the seventh course and covering up the doorsill is divided into two registers. The lower dome, is incised with an open lotus having four register shows mouldings of jād yakumbha, karnika, rows of petals. antarapatra and kapota. The upper one shows a five
On two sides of the Meru tower are aligned ten faceted projecting square block in the centre and a gigantic elephants, each standing on a rectangular projecting kirttimukha on each side. The square
pedestal adorned with diamonds (Fig. 103). These block depicts stemmed lotus on the central facet,
elephants are adorned with fine tusks, trappings male figures on the accompanying facets and half
and howdahs. Each of these elephants is executed diamonds on the extreme ones. The door-lintel is
out of a single block of white marble and is a rare also divided into two registers. The lower register
piece of art. The finish is elegant and the surface continues the carving of the patrafakha and has a
shows fine polish. On the back of each elephant capital of roll brackets atop the fakhas. The side
is sitting a Srāvaka, with a Mahāvata in front and face of these brackets is carved with half kirttimukha. a parasol-bearer on his back. All these figures are On the lalata is a balcony model. The upper
mutilated and lost, and only traces remain to show register is treated like a cornice carrying kațas on that they once existed. On the pedestal of each the extremities and pair of geese in between them elephant is inscribed the name of the personage on the extrados.
who rode on it. In the central part of the hastišala is a magnifi
The back wall of the hastifala is divided into cent sa parikara image of Adinātha seated on a ten niches, each containing a group of standing navaratha moulded pedestal. In front of him is a portrait sculptures carved in high relief. Each triratha Meru tower built of white marble. The niche is perched upon a moulded pedestal consisttower is perched upon a pedestal decorated with ing of a khura, kumbha decorated with half diamonds, figure sculptures, and is divided, one above the kalaša, broad fillet carved with diamonds and padma, other, into three storeys, each having a Jina figure On the pedestal stand two ornate pillarettes in niche on each of the four faces, topped by a J
joined by a lintel. The niche is surmounted by a cornice moulding. The lower storey contains
ribbed eave-cornice and a triple udgama pediment saparikara images of kayotsarga Jinas, while the
flanked on each side by a küța and a miniature middle and upper storeys have padmasana Jinas.
Sikhara. Beginning from the north end the portrAll these images are made of black marble. The
ait sculptures are as follows: corner of each ratha of the tower is broken into Niche I 1. Ācārya Udayaprabha (pupil of Vijay. three angles. Each of the karyarathas in the lower
asenasūri) storey is decorated with two sets of vedibandha
2. Acārya Vijayasena (Teacher of Vastumouldings, a balcony model and a ghata pallava,
pāla and Tejapāla. The consecration while the central rathas of this storey are embelli
of this temple was performed by him).
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