Description of Temples
the outer row containing twenty-four petals, The other three ceilings are of considerable and the inner having twelve petals. Each of dimension and belong to the samatala class. Each these petals is occupied by a handsome figure of of these ceilings is rectangular on plan and rests female dancer. The dancers are represented in directly on the architraves. The ceiling various poses af dance and are full of grace and southwest bay is relieved with 102 campaka charm. The ceiling is raised up by a square flowers arranged eastwest in six lines of seventeen frame of four rectangular slabs decorated with flowers each. The spaces between the flowers are ardhapadma pattern.
occupied by concave-sided diamonds. There is a
band of diamonds and beads on the longer north The ceiling in the east bay is domical of the and south sides. sabhāmandaraka order. It is rectangular on plan,
The ceiling in the west bay is similar to the but its space is reduced to a square by a frame of four rectangular slabs placed over the arhitraves. preceding one, but being larger in breadth it The inner face of the square frame depicts
shows eastwest eight lines of seventeen campaka flo. ardhapadma pattern in semi-circles made up of
wers each. Besides, the lines of flowers are broken lotus stem, while its underside on the two shorter
in the centre by a square panel bordered by creesides displays figures of female dancers and musi
muci pers. The panel is divided into two concentric cians. The ceiling proper is composed of three circles, the outer comprising an eight-foil kola and courses and a circular padmašila. The first course is
the inner a quatrefoil kola. In the centre of the octagonal and the others are circular. The inner
quatrefoil kola is inserted a stamenal tube clasped by face of the first course is embellished with lotus
one row of petals. The corners of the square are scrolls, while its underside at each corner depicts filled with kirti imukhas. a kirttimukha. The second is karnadardar ikā surmoun- The ceiling in the northwest bay is similar to ted by a band of projecting ardhapadma pattern. that seen in the southwest bay, but the lines of The third consists of two concentric circular campaka flowers here are broken in the centre by a bands of sixteen-foil kola each. The padmašila square panel accommodating a full-blown lotus floconsists of two courses. The first has twelve- wer having two rows petals. The corners of the pointed six-foil kola; there are kirttimukhas in square are occupied by kirttimukhas. Each petal of alternate points. The second comprises six-pointed the outer row bears a human-couple represented in trefoil kola: the points here are occupied by the dancing attitude, and each petal of the inner kirttimukhas and Kinnaras in alternation.
row depicts a female dancer or musician. From
the centre of the lotus flower projects out a small Square on plan the ceiling in the northeast bay
stamenal tube clasped by one row of petals. consists of three receding courses and a circular slab. The first course is octagonal and the others are Devakulikās circular. The inner face of the first course is The devakulikās are screened by two arcade of adorned with a band of kirttimukhas; its underside pillars, forming thus two bays in front of each devaat each corner also depicts a kirttimukha. The kulika. But the devakulikās near the gūdhamaydapa second is karnadardarika decorated with lotus being recessed back are confronted by only one row petals and surmounted by a row of projecting of pillars, so that their continuous line is broken. leaves. The third has two concentric circular bands of sixteen-foil kola each. The circular slab, Except for four pillars near the main entrance edged with reverse gajat alu and having a band and four near the gādhamandapa, all the corridor of diamonds and beads on its soffit, displays a pillars are indentical in form and ornamentation large projecting lotus bud; on its tip is placed and belong to the octagonal order. Their base another bud. The ceiling is raised up by a square consists of a khura, kumbha decorated with half diaframe of four rectangular slabs carrying decora- monds, kalaša, antarapatra, and kapota decorated tion of ardhapadma motif in demi-circles formed of with caitya-arch pattern. The shaft is octagonal at lotus stem.
the base, sixteen-sided in the middle and circular
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