Faina Temples of Western India
frame of four rectangular slabs perched upon the on the inner face and a kirttimukha at each corner architraves. The inner face of the square frame is on the underside. The second is circular and sligadored with ardhapadma pattern, while its underside htly projected into the space of the ceiling. It on each of the two shorter sides represents four depicts a row of geese on the inner face and a band depressed limās in diagonal order, each tümā consi- of lotus petal-and-bud ornament on the underside. sting of a quatrefoil and a circular kola. The The circular slab is represented with a spiral of ceiling proper is domical consisting of four mono-kola. The spiral emerges from the side of courses and a circular padmašila. The first course the slab and ends in the centre in an open lotus is octagonal and the others are circular. The having two rows of petals. The spiral is edged inner face of the first course is decorated with with reverse gajatālu and a band of diamonds and a row of geese, while its underside at each corner beads. Between the foils on the outer edge are depicts a kirttimukha. The second is decorated represented tree motif. The ceiling is raised up by with a series of pendants, each set up in bunch a square frame of four rectangular slabs decorated of leaves. The third and fourth are padmas, with a kirttimukha-band. each decorated with lotus petal.and-bud motif. The padmašila consists of three courses of sixteen
The ceiling in the southeast bay is erected on a foil, twelve-foil and eight-foil kolas, and a stamenal square plan. It consists of four octagonal courses tube terminating in flower bud. Between the kola and a large circular ceiling-slab. The inner face of courses are placed reverse gajatālus.
the first course is adorned with a band of diamonds
and beads, while its underside depicts a kirttimukha The ceiling in the south bay corresponds on in an arch of creepers at each corner and a row of plan to the preceding ceiling, but in structure it
campaka flowers on the two narrow sides. The differs. The inner face of the square frame is deco
second is karnadardarikā decorated with lotus petals rated with ardhapadma pattern, while its underside
and surmounted by a row of projecting leaves. The on each of the two shorter sides shows a frieze de
third is gajatālu. It is adorned with a series of corated with a Jina figure flanked on either side by Naigameşin and Srāvakas and Srävikäs. The ceiling
pendants and carries mandāraka flowers at angles.
The fourth is like the third but carries lotus flowers proper is composed of four courses and a large
on the sides. The lower part of the top three courcircular slab covering it up on the top. The first
ses also bears a band of flamboyant pattern. The course is octagonal and the others are circular.
circular slab is divided into three concentric circuThe inner face of the first course is decorated with a strip of diamonds, while its underside at each cor
lar bands. Edged with reverse gajatālu each band
consists of sixteen-foil kola. In the centre of the ner depicts a kirttimukha. The second is a stylised
slab is a stamenal tube adorned with two rows of karnadardarika decorated on top with a row of projecting leaves, caitya-arches at intervals, and a
petals. kirttimukha-band. The third consists of padma
The six The
ceilings in the west portico are as adorned with a narrow band of lotus petals and a follows: broad band of lotus petal-and-scrolls, and surmounted by a row of projecting leaves. The fourth is
Square on plan the ceiling in the southeast bay decorated with a series of pendants, each set up in
consists of two courses and a large circular ceiling bunch of leaves. The circular slab is similar to that
slab. The first course is slab. The
octagonal. It depicts a seen in the northwest bay, with this difference that
row of geese on the inner face and a kirttimukha at here the central circle also carries an unblossomed
each corner on the underside. The second is part in the centre of the flower.
treated like a scotia and is slightly projected into
the space of the ceiling. On its projected part The ceiling in the northeast bay is square on stand thirty-two female dancers, while its undeplan. It consists of two courses and a large circu- rside is represented with a row of campaka flowers. lar slab covering the central space. The first course the flat surface of the circular slab displays a is octagonal. It displays the carving of lotus scrolls full-blown lotus flower having two rows of petals,
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