Jalna Temples of Western India
metals, probably these were brought from outside. the person should follow some kind of business, Wines of better quality were also imported. Another trade or profession, which is not of an ignoble natuarticle of import was horse; this was probably due re.262 This however does not mean that a butcher or to the inferior breeding of the Indian horses. About brewer cannot be a Jaina, but he will be in a vowless trade and cominerce Marco Polo writes, "When stage of soul's evolution.263 The Jainas were, as merchants come hither (Cambay) with their wares they are now, strict vegetarians. The great wealth loaded on many ships, they bring above all gold, which they earned through trade and commerce silver, copper and tutia. They bring the products and the fact of their being strict vegetarians might of their own countries and carry those of the have considerably raised their status in the society, kingdom." He further says, “Merchants go there which was added to by their holding important (Somnath) from many lands, bringing with them posts in the royal court. The Prabandhacintamani much merchandise of different kinds. They sell states that when Udayana, the father of Vägbhata. there what they have brought with them, and take amas away the products of the kingdom.”256
a minister.264 That the status of the Jainas was
high may also be inferred from the fact that Sajjana, Gujarat maintained a brisk foreign trade about the governor of Saurashtra under Jayasimha, this time. Merchants were going and coming bet- renovated the Neminātha temple at Girnar out of ween India and the Far Eastern countries and the revenues of the province, though he was not Persia. Legends in Java preserve the memory of a authorised to do so. This pious work of Sajjana, late wave of imigration from Gujarat.257 A tradi- however, did not enrage Jayasimha, as the latter tional Gujarati verse, which may look back to our freed his governor from the repayment of the sum period, says that he who goes to Java never returns; used if, by chance, he returns, he brings back enough of The
The merchants were then an important class in money to live upon for two generations.2 58 Some of
Gujarat. Besides the business communities already the tomb-stones of the Sultans of Samudra-Pase, settled in Gujarat, the Prāgvātas and the Srimālis probably imported from Gujarat, also suggest a brisk
of Rajasthan migrated to Gujarat and spread throtrade activity between Gujarat and Sumatra." ughout the length and breadth of the country. As for the trade with the west, we learn from the These two communities have produced not only Jagadacarita that merchants like Jagadū had Indian
great tradesmen but also statesmen and generals to agents at Ardrapura (Hormus) and maintained
whom Gujarat owes quite a lot. Vimalasaha was regular trade with Persia, transporting goods in
a Prägvāta Vaisya 266 and served as Dandanāyaka their own ships.260
under Bhima I. Earlier Ninā, an ancestor of The developed economic condition of Gujarat
Vimalasäha, was held in great respect by Vanarāja, during this period is also indicated by the erection
who appointed Lahara, the son of Nină, as the
who appoin of a large number of Jaina as well as Hindu tem
commander of the state forces. 267 Vira, the father ples. In fact, such magnificent temples as those
of Vimalasäha, was a minister in the reign of Mül.
of standing at Abu, Kumbharia, Taranga, Girnar,
arāja.268 Ministers Vastupäla and Tejapäla were etc., had hardly been erected if Gujarat would not
also Prägväța.269 Udayana was a Srimali and
also have been prosperous enough to bear their cost.
served as minister under Jayasimha.270 Udayana's
sons Vägbhata and Amrabhata were ministers The institutions of rarna and jati have been a under Kumārapala.271 Sajjana, 272 the Dandanā. peculiar feature of the Indian society. Of the four yaka of Saurashtra under Jayasimha, and Jagtraditional varnas, viz. Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaisya adu.278 a merchant prince of Bhadreshwar, were and Sūdra, 201 the Jainas of Gujarat were mainly also Srimāli. These rich merchants were devout Vaidya, and they engaged themselves in some kind and liberal Jainas and the erection of many Jaina of business. This is also in accordance with the temples goes to their credit, e g. Vastupālavihāra Jaina fāstras, for the very first rule of the thirty-five at Girnar, Udayanavihāra (now gone) at Karnāvati, rules of conduct for a Jaina layman lays down that Vimalavasahi and Lúņavasahi at Abu, etc.
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