Description of Temples
smaller kola, and a stamenal tube adorned with underside at each corner depicts a Kinnar-couple. three rows of petals and a quat refoil kola.
The second is decorated with a band of kiritimukhas.
The third is karmadardarika decorated with lotus The ceiling in the east bay is domical of the
petals and surmounted by a row of projecting sabhamandāraka order. Square on plan it is compos
leaves. The fourth consists of twenty-four.foil kola ed of six courses and a circular padmašila. The first course is octagonal and the rest are circular. The
bearing lotus flowers in the centre of the foils and
lotus buds in between them on the outer edge. The inner face of the first course is decorated with lotus
padmašila consists of six courses separated from one scrolls, while its underside depicts a Kinnar-couple
another by reverse gajatalus. The first, set up in at each corner and a row of campaka flowers on the
gajatālu, consists of sixteen whorls of four-fold two narrow sides. The second is divided into two
(3+1) kola. The second is similar to the first but bands by a recessed fillet, the lower being plain
is smaller in size. The third, fourth, fifth and sixth and the upper carrying figures of Srävakas and
consist of sixteen-foil larger, sixteen-foil smaller, Srāvikäs. The third is karşadardarika decorated
eight-foil and quatrefoil kolas respectively. In the with lotus petals and surmounted by a row of pro
centre of the last is inserted a stamenal tube clasped jecting leaves. The fourth shows mouldings of a
by two rows of petals. The most attractive part of padma surmounted by a band of leaves, an arris, a fillet and an arris. The fifth is gajatālu surmounted by
the ceiling is its padmašila which looks like crystals
of ice, 61 a band of diamonds and beads. The sixth, set up in gajatālu, has sixteen whorls of four-fold (3+1) kola. Square on plan the ceiling (Fig. 100) in the south The padmašila is formed of six courses, which are bay consists of seven receding courses, the first being separated from one another by reverse gajatālus. octagonal and the rest, circular. The inner face of The first course consists of sixteen whorls of four- the first course is decorated with lotus scrolls, while fold (3+1) kola. The second is decorated with its underside depicts a kirttimukha at each corner lotus petals and stalks carrying lotus flowers. The and a row of campaka flowers on the two sides. The third has eight whorls of two-fold kola, with stalks second is carved with a band of kirttimukhas. The carrying lotus flowers. The fourth also consists of third is karnadardar ika decorated with lotus petals eight whorls of two-fold kola but is smaller in size, and surmounted by a row of projecting leaves. The The fifth has an eight-foil kola. The sixth consists fourth is a reverse padma cut out with lotus petal. of a quatrefoil kola. In the last is also inserted a and-bud device. The fifth is also a reverse padma stamenal tube clasped by two rows of petals. The but represents lotus petals in pair and flowers with ceiling is raised up by a square frame of four rec- stalks. On the soffit of the petals in pair are shown tangular slabs decorated with ardhapadma pattern. eight-petalled lotus flowers, while on their inner
face are represented 24 Jinas seated in dhyanamudra. The ceiling in the north bay is domical of the
The sixth is like the fourth. The seventh is a mandāraka type (Fig. 94). It is built on a slightly
reverse padma cut out with lotus petals and fourrectangular plan, but its space is reduced to a
petalled flowers with stalks. In the centre of the square by a framework of four rectangular slabs
ceiling are represented an opened lotus cut out with placed over the architraves. The inner face of the
three rows of incurved lotus petal-and-bud motif each frame depicts figures of Srävakas, while its under
and a stamenal tube clasped by two rows of petals. side on two sides represents five half tämäs, each
This wonderful ceiling is one of the best examples consisting of a whorl of five-fold (3+2) pointed kola
of the lotus petal-and-bud motif. Here, this ornaand a lotus flower. The spaces between the lümās, on the level surfaces, on the inner side, are filled
ment is completely freed from its background, and
its modelling is so crisp, thin and translucent that with caitya-arch motif formed of creepers. The
it immediately catches the eyes in admiration. ceiling proper is composed of four courses and a circular padmašila. The first course is octagonal Flanking the gūdhamandapa door and placed and the rest are circular. The inner face of the against its west wall are two ornamental niches, first course is decorated with lotus scrolls, while its khattakas (Eig. 91), popularly known as the Gokh.
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