Jaina Temples of Western India
compartments, the central being square and the while its underside on the two shorter sides is side ones, rectangular. Each of the rectangular com- decorated with creepers. The square flat surface partments depicts two pairs of Kinnars. The square is divided into three concentric circular bands. compartment is divided into three concentric circu- The outer band is decorated with lotus buds and lar bands, the outer being carved with lotus scrolls, stalks. The intermediate band has decoration of and the intermediate and the inner having decora- lotus scrolls. The inner band depicts a full-blown tion of creepers. At each corner of the square is a lotus flower. The four corners of the square are karttimukha. The whole is placed in a border of filled with four kirttimukhas. The whole is placed creepers which emerge from the mouth of a kirtti- in a border of creepers. mukha carved in the centre on each side. The ceilindie ried un bu frame of four rectangular Devakulika 52A-Square on plan it is a domical ceislabs, two of which are slightly projecting into the ling of the sabhāmandāraka variety. It consists of four space of the ceiling. The inner face of the rectan circular courses and a circular padmafila. The first gular frame depicts figures of warriors, dancers and shows a band of kirttimukhas on the inner face and musicians, while its underside on the two projecting four bold kirttimukhas on the four underside corners. sides is decorated with lotus scrolls.
The second is karnadardarikā topped by a goose
band. The third is gajalalu surmounted by a band 48B-On plan and in structure it follows the
of diamonds and beads. The fourth shows relief preceding ceiling. The inner face of the rectangu
carvings of a kāyotsarga Jina with Srävakas standlar frame raising up the ceiling depicts kāgotsarga
ing beside him, and an Acarya with sthapana in Jinas with Śrävakas carrying offerings for worship,
front and Srävakas standing with folded hands. while its underside on the two projecting sides is
The padmašila consists of three courses of eight decorated with creepers. The rectangular flat
whorls of four-fold (3+1), six whorls of four-fold surface is divided into twenty compartments arran- (3+1) pointed and eight-foil pointed kolas, and a ged in four lines of five each. The compartments stamenal tube clasped by two rows of petals and are filled with various relief carvings. One of these
inserted in a deeply set quatrefoil kola. The first shows a Jina. Another has an Acārya with dis
course of the padmašila is set up in normal gajatalu, ciples, 40 In the rest are figures of musicians, danc
while the other two are edged with reverse gajaers, warriors and Mālādharas. Each compartment
talus. is bordered by a band of diamonds and beads.
52B-Square on plan it is a domical ceiling of the Devakulikās 49-50-On plan and in structure it
sabhāmandāraka type. It consists of four circular courcorresponds to that seen in Devakulikā 48A. The
ses and a circular padmašila. The first course carries inner face of the rectangular frame is carved with
images of lalita sana goddesses on the inner face as saw-tooth pattern, while its underside on the
well as on the four underside corners. The second is two projecting sides is embellished with lotus
karşadardarika topped by a goose-band. The third is scrolls. The rectangular flat surface is divided
gajatālu surmounted by a band of campaka flowers like the preceding ceiling, into twenty compart
and circular lambanas. The fourth is gajatālu adornments containing a padmasana Jina, a kayotsarga
ed with entwined Nāgas. The padmašila consists Jina, an Acārya with disciples, a lalitasana image of
of five courses of twelve whorls of four-fold (3+1), goddess Ambikā, an unidentified lalitäsana goddess,
eight whorls of four-fold (3+1) pointed, eight-foil Yakşa Brahmaśānti, Mālädharas, pitcher-bearers and dancers. 41
pointed, six-foil pointed and quatrefoil kolas res
pectively, and a stamenal tube clasped by one row Devakulika 51--Rectangular on plan it is sama- of petals and inserted in a deeply set circular kola. tala, but its space is reduced to a square by the The first course of the padmašila is set up in normal usual framework of placing four rectangular slabs gajatalu, while the other four are edged with reverse over the architraves. The inner face of the square gajatālus. frame shows flamboyant pattern in semi-circles, Devakulika 53A-Same as Devakulika 52A.
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