Jaina Temples of Western India
The buffer wall between the sanctum and the It is tryaniga on plan, consisting of bhadra, pra- gūdhamandapa contains two niches sheltering an tiratha and karna, the bhadra being the longest and image of Mahavira on proper right and that of the pratiratha the shortest. A recess separates the
he Sāntinātha on proper left, both being lately instal
led there. sanctum from the güdhamandapa. In elevation it shows pitha, vedibandha, jangha,
Gūdhamandapa varandika and pharisanā. The pitha consists of two I t is dvyaniga on plan consisting of bhadra and bhittas, a jād yakumbha, a karņikā, a chadyaki and a karna. It shares its pītha and mandovara with the patrika. The vedibandha pertains to a khura, kumbha, anctum and is roofed by a phansanā which is kalasa, antarapatra and kapota. Divided into two similar to that seen in the sanctum, but the crownregisters by a plain median band and also topped ing members here show a fluted bell, an amalaka, by a similar band the jangha is plain, but for the a kalaša and a bijapüraka. Its exterior here too is projecting sculptured niches on the bhadras contai- coated with white lime. ning images of Jinas seated in dhyānamudra. The varandikā is made up of a kapota and a ribbed eave
Square on plan each of the lateral porches cornice. The phansanä roof consists of eight reced
(Fig. 89) is approached from the quadrangular ing tiers and is crowned by an amalaka, candrika,
court by a flight of five steps cut across the pitha
and is enclosed by a balustrade. On the balustrade kalata and bijapüraka. The four ridges of the roof
stand two pillars and two pilasters supporting a carry ghanțas with rampant lions, each ghanta consisting of a fluted bell, an amalaka, a kalata and
domical ceiling on a square frame of architraves.
Its pitha is ornate, consisting of two bhiftas-the a bijapüraka, while at its base, in the cardinal points,
lower being plain and the upper showing carving of are images of Jinas seated in dhyānamudra. The
half diamonds-, a short karpika, a khura, a kumbha whole of the exterior of the sanctum is now coated bearing decorations of half diamonds on the body with white lime,
and foliage underlined with a sharp-edged band on The foorframe of the sanctum is of the single. the shoulder, a kalaša adorned with beaded garfakha variety decorated with foliate scrolls. On the lands and stylised rosettes, an antarapatra decorated lower part of the jamb stands a female carrying with stepped diamonds, a grāsapatti, and finally a water pot. The doorsill is divided into two registers. kapota underlined with leaves. The balustrade is The lower register carries mouldings of a jad yakum- also ornate; it consists of a mañcikā, unlike the usual bha and a karnikā. The upper one shows a semi- rājasenaka, a very short vedika, an asanapatta and a circular projection adorned with stemmed lotus kaksäsana. The mañcika is embellished with caityain the centre, a projecting kirttimukha on each side arch pattern and is underlined with lotus leaves. of it, and diamonds on either extremity. The door. The vedika is treated as padma sharply cut up into lintel continues the decoration of the jamb and has
tinues the decoration of the jamb and has lotus petal-and-bud motif. The asanapatta is treated a padmāsana Jina as the lalatabimba. In front of the like a mañcika decorated with caitya-window ornadoor is a moonstone which consists of an ardha- ment. The kaksāsana is divided into two horizontal candra tied on either end with gagaraka, conch and belts, the lower being shorter than the upper. The lotus stem and flanked in turn by two talaräpakas. lower belt is decorated with flamboyant pattern,
while the upper one is treated as padma decorated Inside the sanctum is a saparikara image in
with lotus petal-and-bud ornament. The pitha and black stone of Neminätha installed on a high the balustrade below the pillars have five-faceted moulded pedestal made of white marble. The projections. The central facet of these projections. saptaratha pedestal consists of two bhittas, a jad yaku- on the kumbha portion, carries a framed figure of mbha, a karnika, an antarapatra adorned with stepped Pratihära flanking the stairway on the front and diamonds, and a prominently projecting chad yaki. an image of four-armed standing goddess on each The image is a late one; it was installed probably side. The frame of these images oversects the by Pethaďa.48
kalata. The roof, now plastered up, has a corru
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