Historical and Cultural Background
Although many of the building undertakings to the Neminātha temple at Girnar.275 The were directly inspired by the Solanki rulers them- Mahāvira temple at Kumbharia is called the 'Araselves and by their ministers and governors, yet a sana samghacaitya',276 i. e. the temple of Jaina large number of the Jaina temples were built out Samgha at Arāsaņa. The Neminātha temple at of the donations made by the common people, Kumbharia was built by Pasila, and its mandapa Thus the devakulikās of the Vimalavasahi at Abu was added by Hānsibai.277 Likewise many Jina were built by the vyavahāris (businessmen).274 idols in the temples at Abu, Kumbharia, etc., were Thākura Sāvadeva and Jasahada added devakulikās installed from time to time by Jaina Srāvakas.
Gujarat is not the native place of Jainism. No Broach, and the founding of Shatrunjaya in SauJaina Tirthankara is known to have been born rashtra.287 here. Yet the association of Jainism with Gujarat
But a definite evidence of the existence of Jaiis traceable to very early times. Adinatha, the
nism in Gujarat is available only from the Kşatrapa first of the twenty-four Tirth ankaras, is said to have delivered a sermon on Mt. Shatrunjaya.2 78 At
period. The Junagadh inscription of Jayadāman's Raivataka Neminātha, the 22nd Tirthankara,
grandson, belonging to the second century A. D.,
makes mention of men who attained perfect knowrenounced the world,279 obtained omniscience, 280
ledge (kevalajñana) and were free from old age and and finally emancipated together with a large num
death (jarāmarana).288 These are technical Jaina ber of sages.281 It is not therefore surprising if terms and are indicative of Jaina dogma. The temples dedicated to these Tirthankaras were erect
inscription was found in a cave at Junagadh, and ed at these holy centres.
hence it may be suggested that the cave was in During the historical period the first wave of occupation of the Jaina monks. The Jaina Jainism seems to have passed over Gujarat in the affiliation of this as well as other caves at Junagadh fourth century B. C., when Bhadrabāhu, the head. is further indicated by the peculiar Jaina symbols of the Jaina Samgha, visited Girnar during his like svastika, bhadrâsana, minayugala, nandi pada and migration from Magadha to south.282 The Maur. kalata carved in the Bawa Pyra caves at Junayan king Samprati was a staunch Jaina. The Jaina gadh.280 These are auspicious Jaina symbols and texts speak as highly of him as the Buddhist texts are also found on the ayāgapattas of the Jaina stūpa do of Asoka. He tried to spread Jainism by every at Mathura.290 The popularity of Jainism in means in his power, working as hard for Jainism as Gujarat is also evident from the fact that simultaAkoka worked for Buddhism.283 He led even a neous with the Mathuri-vācana, which is said to Jaina congregation from Ujjain to Shatrunjaya in have taken place between A. D. 300 and 313, an the company of Acārya Suhasti with 5000 attempt to redact Jaina canons was also made by Sramaņas.284
Nägārjuna at Valabhi.201 Jainism was prevalent in Gujarat in the 1st In the Gupta period Valabhi became an imporcentury B. C. The Kalakācāryakatha indeed reveals tant centre of Jainism, for, according to unanimous that Kalaka went to Broach and taught Jaina Jaina tradition, a council of Jaina monks under the tenets to the people there. 286 The popularity of chairmanship of Devardhigani Kșamāśramaņa was Jainism is also indicated by this that Vikramā held there in V.E. 980 (454 A.D.) or 993 (467 A.D.) ditya, the originator of the Vikrama era, himself and the canonical works of the Jainas were went on a pilgrimage to the celebrated Jaina site redacted.292 According to Jarl Charpentier, this of Shatrunjaya. 286 Two other important events council under Devardhigani was held in 526 A. D. supposed to have happened about this time are the in the reign of the Maitraka king Dhruvasena. 293 defeat of the Buddhists in a great argument by the The existence of Jainism in the country is also infamous Jaina controversialist Arya Khapuţa of dicated by the Jaina bronzes of Akota.204 Two of
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