Faina Temples of Western India
small stamental tube adorned with one row of rectangular slabs bearing similar decorations as we petals.
notice in the preceding ceiling. Devakulika 29-Rectangular on plan it is samatala. The rectangular flat surface shows relief
32B-Square on plan it is an ulksipta ceiling of carvings arranged in three panels. The square
the padmaka class. The padmaka is represented by central panel displays Lord Krşņa subduing the
nine projecting tūmās disposed in three lines of snake Kaliya. The scene is disposed in a circle. At
three each. Each luma consists of a reverse gajatālu, each corner of the square is a Kinnara playing on
an eight-foil pointed kola and a reverse gajatalu some musical instrument. The two side panels are
with an open flower. Between the limās, on the rectangular. One of these depicts Krsna lying on
level surfaces, are concave-sided diamonds marked
with four-petalled flowers. The ceiling is raised the coiled body of the snake Sesa; beside him is
up by a square frame of four rectangular slabs Lakşmi waving a fan, and a servant is seen massa
depicting fighting scenes and figures of musicians ging his foot. In this panel is also shown the
and dancers on the inner face, and a band of wrestling of Krnşa and Cāņūra. The other panel foliate scrolls on the two projecting narrow underdepicts Krşņa, Balarama and friends playing with a ball.31 The ceiling is raised up by a frame of
sides. four rectangular slabs placed over the architraves.
Devakulika 33A-Square on plan it is samatala. The slabs carry images of lalitasana goddesses with
Its square flat surface shows a full-blown lotus attendant figures in projecting niches and figures
flower comprising three rows of petals occupied by of ganas in the alternate recesses.
figure sculptures, The sixteen-petalled outer row is Devakulika 30-31-Square on plan it is samatala. occupied by sixteen figures of four-armed lalitasana Its square flat surface is divided into nine square Vidyādevis. The sixteen-petalled intermediate row compartments arranged in three lines of three each. has sixteen figures of Kinnaras and Kinnaris. The The four corner compartments are occupied by the petals of the inner row are empty but alternated images of four-armed lalitāsana goddesses, one of by lotus buas. A whom may be identified with Vajrasrnkhalā. The Kinnar-couple. The whole is placed in a border other compartments are filled with lotus meda- of geese. The ceiling is raised up by a square frame llions, each having two rows of petals, the petals of four rectangular slabs carrying a row horse-riders of the outer row being alternated with buds. The charging javelines on the inner face and a band of medallions are bordered by a band of geese, the foliate scrolls on the two projecting narrow underlotus flowers filling in the corners. The ceiling is sides. raised up by a square frame of four rectangular slabs bearing decorations of diamonds on the inner 33B-Square on plan it is a samaksipta ceiling of face and of creepers on the two projecting narrow the mandaraka order. The mandaraka element is undersides.
shown in three concentric circles. The deeply cut
outer circle represents a band of geese on the inner Devakulika 32A-Square on plan it is samatala.
face and a Kinnara-couple at each corner on the Its square flat surface is divided into three concent underside. The intermediate circle has a sixteenric circular bands, the outer containing pipala like pointed kola set up in gajatalu. The inner circle leaves set up in beaded volutes, the intermediate displays a row of lotus petals in the cyma reverse band depicting lotus petal-and-bud device and the order; its soffit is decorated with a band of diaminner representing a quatrefoil kola. In the quatrefoil onds and beads, while in its centre is an eight-foil kola is inserted a stamenal tube clasped by one row kola containing a stamenal tube clasped by one row of petals. At each corner of the square are voluted of petals. The ceiling is raised up by a square frame lotus scrolls with bud in the centre, and on its two of four rectangular slabs carrying a row of elephants sides is a narrow band of diamonds and beads. The on the inner face and a band of creepers on the ceiling is raised up by a square frame of four two projecting narrow undersides.
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