early, late, or in the middle of life?' But the discerning one is awakened, and ceases to act. See that it is good to be so ! Cutting off that whence bondage, cruel death, and dreadful pain,'' and the (desire for) external (objects) flow, he who among mortals knows freedom from acts,''seeing that acts will bear fruit, the knower of the sacred lore, parts from (karman).' (3)
There are those who have established themselves in the truth, who (were, are, or will be) heroes, endowed (with knowledge), always exerting themselves, full of equanimity!, valuing the world (as it deserves) in the east, west, south, north. We shall tell the knowledge of them who (were, &c.) heroes, endowed (with knowledge), always exerting themselves, full of equanimity, valuing the world (as it deserves).
Is there any worldly weakness in the Seer? There exists none, there is none. Thus I say. (4)
End of the Fourth Lecture, called Righteousness.
1 Samghadadamsino: nirantaradarsinah subhâsubhasya.