penance, is wise, indifferent to pleasure and pain, rich in control, and gifted with fortitude, the name Venerable Ascetic Mahavira has been given him by the gods. (108)
The Venerable Ascetic Mahâvira's father belonged to the Kasyapa gotra; he had three names : Siddhârtha, Sreyâmsa, and Gasamsa, &c. (see Akârânga Sūtra II, 15, § 15, down to) Seshavatî and Yasovatî. (109)
The Venerable Ascetic Mahâvîra-clever, with the aspirations of a clever man, of great beauty, controlling (his senses), lucky, and modest; a Gñâtri Kshatriya, the son of a Gñâtri Kshatriya; the moon of the clan of the Gsâtris; a Videha, the son of Videhadattâ, a native of Videha, a prince of Videha-had lived thirty years in Videha when his parents went to the world of the gods (i. e. died), and he with the permission of his elder brother and the authorities of the kingdom 2 fulfilled his promise. At that moment the Laukântika gods, following the established custom, praised and hymned him with these kind, pleasing, &c. (see § 47, down to) sweet, and soft words : (110)
Victory, victory to thee, gladdener of the world! Victory, victory to thee, lucky one! Luck to thee, bull of the best Kshatriyas! Awake, reverend lord of the world! Establish the religion of the law which benefits all living beings in the whole universe! It will bring supreme benefit to all living beings in all the world!
Thus they raised the shout of victory. (111)
See  hârânga Sätra II, 15, $ 15. * Guru-mahattara is the original of the last words, which I have translated according to the explanation of the commentary.