B'. Pritidharmika, y'. Hâridraka (Pr. Hâligga), 8. Pushyamitrika (Pr. Pasamittigga), é. Mâlyaka (Pr. Mâligga), Š. Aryaketaka,
n'. Krishnasakha (Pr. Kanhasaha). f. Rishigupta Kâkandaka of the Vâsishtha
gotra, founder of the Mânava Gana,
which was divided into four Sâkhâs: a. Kâsyapiyâ (Pr. Kâsaviggiya), B. Gautamiya (Pr. Goyameggiya), y. Vâsishthiyâ (Pr. Vâsitthiya),
8. Saurâshtrikâ ; and into three Kulas :
a'. Rishiguptika, B'. Rishidattika,
g. Abhiyasasa. g. and h. Susthita and Supratibuddha,
surnamed Kautika and Kâkandaka, of the Vyâghrâpatya gotra, founders of the Kautika Gana, which was divided
into four Sâkhâs : a. Ukkanâgarî, B. Vidyâdhari, y. Vagrî,
8. Madhyamikâ (Pr. Magghimilla); and into four Kulas :
á. Brahmaliptaka (Pr. Bambhaligga), B'. Vâtsalîya (Pr. Vakkhaligga, cf. e. a'.), Y. Vâniya (Pr. Vânigga),
8. Prasnavâhanaka. Both Sthaviras had together five disciples : 10. a. Ârya Indradatta (Pr. Indadinna) of the
Kâsyapa gotra,