adorned by a circular navel, and contained a lovely row of hairs (black as) collyrium, bees, or clouds, straight, even, continuous, thin, admirable, handsome, soft, and downy. Her waist, which contained the three folds, could be encompassed with one hand. On all parts of her body shone ornaments and trinkets, composed of many jewels and precious stones, yellow and red gold. The pure cup-like pair of her breasts sparkled, encircled by a garland of Kunda flowers, in which glittered a string of pearls. She wore strings of pearls made by diligent and clever artists, shining with wonderful strings, a necklace of jewels with a string of Dinârâs', and a trembling pair of earrings, touching her shoulders, diffused a brilliancy; but the united beauties and charms of these ornaments were only subservient to the loveliness of her face?. Her lovely eyes were large and pure like the water lily. She sprinkled about the sap from two lotus flowers which she held in her splendid hands, and gracefully fanned herself. Her glossy, black, thick, smooth hair hung down in a braid. (36)
5. Then she saw, coming down from the firmament, a garland charmingly interwoven with fresh Mandâra flowers. It spread the delicious smell of Kampaka 3, Asoka“, Naga6 Punnâgao, Priyangu”,
1 This word, corresponding to the Greek Snudplov, proves the late composition of this part of the Kalpa Sætra.
? I cannot accurately construe this passage; my translation is therefore rather free, but, I believe, comes near the meaning of the original. * Michelia Champaka.
• Jonesia Asoka. Mesua Roxburghii.
. Rottlera Tinctoria. 7 Panicum Italicum.