of the gods, he flew upwards right through numberless continents and oceans, taking thousands of Yoganas in each motion, and arrived in the Saudharma Kalpa, in the divine abode called Saudharma Avatamsaka, where Sakra, the chief and king of the gods, sat on the throne called Sakra, and reported to Sakra, the chief and king of the gods, on the execution of his orders.
In that period, in that age the knowledge of the Venerable Ascetic Mahâvira was threefold; he knew that he was to be removed; he knew that he was removed; he knew not when he was being removedl. (29)
In that period, in that age, on the thirteenth day of the third month of the rainy season, in the fifth fortnight, the dark (fortnight) of Åsvina, after the lapse of eighty-two days, or the eighty-third day current (since his conception), the embryo of the Venerable Ascetic Mahavira was, on the command of Sakra, safely removed by Harinegamesi from the womb of the Brâhmani Devânandâ to that of the Kshatriyânî Trisalâ ?, in the middle of the night, when the moon was in conjunction with the asterism Uttaraphalgunî. (30)
End of the Second Lecture.
In that night in which the embryo of the Venerable Ascetic Mahavira was removed from the womb of the Brâhmani Devânandâ of the Galandharayana gotra to that of the Kshatriyant Trisala of the
1 In some MSS. the last part of this paragraph is placed at the end of the next one.
• The text repeats the corresponding passage of $ ar.