Jaina Community-A Social Survey
From the above table it could be noticed that no definite conclusions or tendencies could be drawn from them except the fact that the marked difference between the longevity of males and females remained unaltered. 7. DISTRIBUTION OF JAINA POPULATION BY CIVIL CONDITION
Information regarding the distribution of the Jaina population according to the three well-known categories of civil condition, viz. unmarried, married and widowed, was used to be supplied through the Census Reports upto 1931. This information was very useful in realising the correct position in different communities about the various aspects of marriage like the age of marriage, the proportion of the widowed, etc. Such information has not been made available since the Census Reports of 1941 and hence it becomes very difficult to draw definite conclusions regarding the distribution of population by civil condition applicable to the present time. But in the case of the Jaina community the information about civil condition upto 1931 serves a useful purpose in the sense that it is the only source which gives a proper picture about the nature and extent of civil condition among the Jainas till 1931. On this basis we can have some idea in the matter pertaining to the Jainas at present as there has been no appreciable change in the marital practices of the Jainas during the last forty years.
The distribution of 1,000 of each sex of various communities according to their civil condition as per 1931 Census is given in Table 23.
Table 23 Community Sex Unmarried Married
Widowed INDIA
476 470
54 388 505
157 Hindu
463 480
57 324 507
169 Jaina
503 337 442
221 Sikh
550 370
80 411 475
114 Muslim
500 456
44 358 513