Jaina Community-A Social Survey
(6) Minor sub-sects :
(i) Gumānapanthi.
(ii) Totāpanthi. The Bīsapanthis worship the idols with flowers, fruits and sweatmeats. In their temples they keep the idols of Kshetrapāla, Bhairava and other deities along with the idols of Tirthankaras. They perform “Ārati' (i. e., waving lights over the idol) and offer sweatmeats (i. e., Prasada) in the temple even at night. While worshipping they sit and do not stand. They consider Bhattārakas (i. e., ascetics below the order of Yatis or monks ) as their religious teachers (i.e., Dharma-gurus), and heads of the religion (i. e.. Achāryas.)
Terapanthis worship the idols not with flowers, fruits and other green vegetables ( known as Sachitta things ), but with sacred rice called ' Akshata', cloves, sandal, almond, dry cocoanuts, dates, etc. 18. In their temples they do not maintain the idols of Kshetrapāla, Bhairava and other deities. They neither perform
Arati’ nor offer sweatmeats in the temple. While worshipping they stand and do not sit. They do not treat Bhattārakas as their religious teachers or heads. The last characteristic of Terā panthis, i. e., non-recognition of the Bhattāraka system, is the main and important difference from Bisapanthīs. From this it is clear that the Terapanthis appear to be reformers. They oppose to various religious practices, as according to them these are not real Jaina religious practices. Digambara Terā panthis have no connection with Śvetambara Terapanthis. Among the Digambaras Bispanthis and Terāpanthīs are so proud of their practices that they do not visit the temples of other Panthas or sects. B.sapanthis are more in Rajasthan and Gujarat and Terā panthis in Rajasthan, U. P. and M. P.19 Terapantha arose in 1683 V. S. as a revolt against the loose conduct of Bhattarakas and now it claims practically two-third members of the Digambara sect as its followers. Terapantha had performed a valuable task of rescuing Digambara sect from the clutches of Bhattārakas and hence the Terāpanthis occupy a peculiar position in the Digambara Jaina community.2)
The sub-sect Tāraṇapantha is known after its founder Tarana Svāmī or Tarana Tarana Svāmī. This sub-sect is also called Samai