Jaina Ethics and Miscellaneous Customs and Manners
(i) Anitya anuprekshā, i. e., everything is subject to change
or is transitory. (ii) Asarana anuprekshā, i. e. Unprotectiveness or help
lessness. The feeling that soul is unprotected from
fruition of Karmas, for example, death, etc. (iii) Samsāra anuprekshā, i. e., Mundaneness. Soul moves
in the cycle of existences and cannot attain true happiness
till it is cut of. · (iv) Ekatva anuprekshā, i. e., Loneliness. I am alone,
the doer of my actions and the enjoyer of the fruits
of them. (v)
Anyatva anuprekshā, i. e., Separateness. The world, my relation and friends, my body and mind, they are
all distinct and separate from my real self. (vi) Aśuchi anuprekshā, i. e., Impurity. The body is impure
and dirty. (vii) Āśrava anuprekshā, i. e., Inflow. The inflow of Karmas
is the cause of my mundane existence and it is the product
of passions. (viii) Samvara anuprekshā, i. e., Stoppage. The inflow of
Karma must be stopped. (ix). Nirjarā anuprekshā, i. e., Shedding. Karmic matter
must be shed from or shaken out of the soul. (x) Loka anuprekshā, i. e., Universe. The nature of the
universe and its constituent elements in all their vast variety proving the insignificance and miserable nothing
ness of man in time and space. (xi) Bodhi-durlabha anuprekshā, i. e., Rarity of religious
knowledge. It is difficult to attain right belief, know
ledge and conduct. (xii) Dharma anuprekshā, i. e., Reflection on the nature of
religious path as preached by the conquerors, namely,
the true nature of the three-fold path of liberation.36 Sometimes Anuprekshās are termed as Bhāvanās also.
(e) The twenty-two Sufferings : For the sake of non-falling off from the path of Liberation