direction of Dr. Hari Shanker Pandey. A research work has also been published. Now, in 2005, I am presenting this book titled: ‘Jain Studies and Science: Context - Acharya Mahapragya's Literature' and readers can evaluate the worth of my sincere endeavour.
Though I could not write in the literary style but my attitude of a scientist reflects persistently throughout my book. However, I own all the responsibilities for its shortcomings, if any. I am glad that this writing gave me a privilege to read the elaborate literature of Mahapragya, who is a great thinker of this era. While writing, the new scientific facts have also been incorporated. Selection of Representative Literature
In the present book, various subjects of representative literature have been selected and divided into six sections. Prior to these sections, a common introductory chapter on Jain Studies and Science has been included.
The sections are titled as follows: (1) New Thoughts (2) Theory of Mattereals and Jain Philosophy (3) Agam and Science (4) Jain Mathematics and Karmavad (5) Preksha Meditation and Therapy (6) Spiritual-Scientific personality
The first section contains the novel theories which have emerged in his entire literature. It is titled as 'New Thoughts'. Mahapragya's first and the most famous book on Jain philosophy titled: "Jain Darshan: Manan and Mimansa, has given the analysis of six 'substances' which are scientifically placed in the second section. This section also contains the scientific aspects of Anekant. It has been aptly titled as 'Theory of Mattereals and Jain Philosophy In the third section, chapters representing Jain Aagamic literature e.g. Acharanga, Sthananga and Bhagwati are discussed, where Mahapragya has related Jain philosophical concepts with science and mathematics. It is titled as 'Agam and Science'. In the fourth section, a thought on “Jain Mathematics and Karmvad' is presented. These discussions help understand the complex issue of a soul's blueprint travelling through the chain of births and re-births. In the fifth section, the contemporary and novel literature of universal importance has been placed. It is titled as 'Preksha Meditation and Therapy'. It is related to the science of living, medical sciences and Preksha Meditation.
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