Answers from Jainism 1. Dharmastikaya (dynaons) & Adharmastikaya (statons) Duo :
The description of this duo, comprehensively answers the dilemma of Universe's boundary. According to Jainism, the spatial extent of this pair is finite, has a defined shape and outlines the boundary of universe. We shall discuss more about the shape of Lok later in this book. Continuing the discussion about the six (interestingly, these are divided into three pairs) mattereals, the first one is Dharmastikaya (dynaons) & Adharmastikaya (statons). Both are metaphysical in nature, omni present and static. They cohabitate only as a passive, seamless and continuous media. They are entirely absent in the Alok. The other two pairs viz., Akash-Kaal and Jiva-Pudgal exist only up to the limits earmarked by dynaonsstatons. We can understand it with the analogy of a swimmer in water. Water is just a medium. This analogy is crude with the difference that dynaons and statons do not themselves get disturbed due to any material activity.
Scientific fraternity has always wondered as to what exists between the nucleus and the orbiting electrons or between one atom/molecule and the other. At one time the concept of ether was in vogue, but present day scientists deny its existence.
a. Dynaons (Dharmastikaya)
Dynaons are omnipresent throughout the universe. They are supposedly cubical particles interleaved in such a manner that they form a continuous, monolithic medium and the Gati (dynamism - that is why we have named it
dynaons') of all the other mattereals is attributed to them. They, in other words, are super highways of energy transportation. Even electromagnetic and light waves traverse in the presence of Dynaons (Dharmastikaya). Since they act as a medium, they do not participate or interact nor do they themselves get disturbed. Therefore, the energy travelling through the medium of dynaons remains undiminished until it interacts with other forms of matter.
Mahapragya observed that if we listened to a science teacher explaining the rules of motions, we felt as if a Jain scholar was giving discourse on Dyanons-statons.
However, it must be noted that the science, during the Newton era, believed in presence of 'Ether' as a medium of motion. But later on, Einstein, on the basis of Michelson-Morley experiment, ruled out its existence. He argued that since the velocity of light remains a constant to all observers
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