who is doing research under my guidance. His subject is: "The children with undeveloped brains are a challenge, how can they be cured?"
We have made some experiments in this respect. Two groups of children with developed and undeveloped minds were formed. Each group consisted of ten children. They were all subjected to MRI tests. We tried to find out if there was any difference in their physical structure, but no difference was found. But we discovered a difference in both the function and connection of neurons. The number of neurons in the left hemisphere of an undeveloped child was less. The neurons were also not fully connected. Can we compensate the deficiency of the left hemisphere of human brain by activating the right hemisphere? What measures do you suggest to awaken mind, body, psyche and intellect all the four major components?
Acharyashri: We must add two more to them, i.e., “praan' (vital force) and emotions.
President: You are right. Acharyashri! Videh Janak and Mahrishi Ashtavakra had attained the higher level of spiritual consciousness. What is the meaning of their statement - 'I am consciousness and I am in consciousness?'
Acharyashri: Our mind has three parts:
a. Higher conscious mind
Unconscious mind and
Conscious mind.
Mahrishi Ashtavakra and Videh Janak had already attained the state of higher consciousness.
President: Were they able to establish contact with Brahm the eternal spirit?
Acharyashri: Yes, their pragya (wisdom), intuitive knowledge or insight was awakened.
President: How can we attain this state of mind? Had Mahavira attained super consciousness?
Acharyashri: There is a commonly used word in the Jain spiritual practice i.e. veetraag' (one who has transcend passions and desires).
President: (jotting this word in his diary) What does 'veetraag' mean?.
Acharyashri: One who is absolutely free from attachment and hatred and is
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