Acharyashree: Rashtrapatiji, you have used the word vivek (noble discretion). The same word has been used by Acharya Hemchandra.
The President: Acharya Hemchandra ?
Acharyashree: He was a great Acharya who wrote in praise of Bhagwan Rishab.
The President: Bhagwan Rishab?
Acharyashree: The first Tirthankara. Bhagawan Mahavira was the 24th Tirthankara.
The President: Oh! Adi Bhagwan! In Tirukural we have Agara Mudala Ezhuthellam Adibhagavan Mudatre Ulagu.
Acharyashree: Yes. It is very important to awaken the conscience.
The President: Acharyaji, today corruption has become rampant. It is spread equally from top to bottom. Many people have begun to look at it as an essential part of life. This is creating complications. I feel that some thing should be done to change this. I request your help in doing so. With your great penance and knowledge you will be able to help in this.
Acharyashree: In Jaipur some journalists asked me and I said that today we should not call corruption, bhrashtachar, but shishtachar (courtesy) because those who are proliferating corruption are those who are supposed to set them right.
The President: This is a difficult job but even difficult jobs have to be done. And in this your guidance will be significant.
Acharyashree: I think and feel that for this we should rectify the imbalance in our economic system. One of the important reasons for corruption is our imbalanced economic system. Till the economic system is not balanced corruption can not be ended. Contemporary economists have made man's desires limitless. Against this background, the question of morals and good conduct has got lost. They want to acquire everything whatever be the cost. Today the need is to rethink economics. I have written a book called Mahavira's Economics where I have made a comparative analysis of Gandhi, Marx and Keynes.
The President: What is the essence of these four economists? I want to read your book. Acharyaji, today 26% of people in India are below the poverty line. They can be uplifted. The danger is not from them. The danger is from
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