President: I fully agree with you. In your literature, I have come across a detailed analysis of ekant (absolutism) versus anekant (non-abso'utism). Anekant, as I understand is the teamwork wherein people with diverse beliefs work together whereas ekant is an individual attitude. Am I right?
Acharyashri: There may be diverse beliefs and diverse thoughts but they should coexist and should not contradict one another. It is quite possible to find the essence of conciliation even in two different streams of thought.
President: I find that more and more people are becoming absolutist in their ideas. How can this absolutist way of thinking be removed? How can one be inclined towards non-absolutistism? Anekant is the most important aspect of Mahavira's philosophy. How can we popularise it?
Acharyashri: The greatest problem we encounter today is related to emotions.
President: Is emotion a barrier in the path of Anekant (non-absolutist way of thinking)?
Acharyashri: Yes, negative thoughts are at the root of the problem. They create absolutist way of thinking and give rise to conflicts. In order to develop the philosophy of non-absolutism, we must see that an individual learns how to control his emotions. Its practice is essential. If we can awaken the right hemisphere of our brain, these conflicts can be ended altogether.
President: What you are saying is right but the difficulty is how we can do it. Is it possible through intellectual development?
Acharyashri: Intellect awakens the left hemisphere of the human brain. In order to awaken the right hemisphere, one has to practice meditation and try to harmonize the nervous system.
President: Is it possible through meditation? Acharyashri: Yes, it is an established fact that the part of our body on which we meditate is developed. The part through which the vital force (praan) flows becomes active. Medical science has so far unfolded the secrets of the body and mind, but it is still far away from the knowledge of praan-the vital force.
President: Yes, science has not yet succeeded in unraveling the mystery of praan. Acharyaji, many problems are manifesting themselves among students.
The modern student is in the grip of tension and depression. We also find that the minds of many students remain undeveloped. I have a research scholar
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