only through the natural selection, organisms can develop to be more complex and efficient species. And we may say that it is the power? (strength and intelligence) controlling the process of natural selection. Darwin's theory was a potentially fatal blow to the 'Creationalism'.
Jainism also decries the theory of 'God created the universe'. Universe, as we have seen from Jain view point, is a total sum of six mattereals each governed by its own laws. Even in personal view of the author, an all-powerful and super intelligent God cannot create models which are all perishable and failures. All planets and stars are nothing but balls of fire, all animals and humans experience pain, suffering and death. So much of diseases, pollution, hatred, hunger and sadism cannot be a creation of a compassionate, powerful and intelligent God. Theoretically, any one who has all the knowledge to his credit will create a perfect model in one go - a model which is ever healthy and ever happy.
So, to some extent the theory of evolution is in consonance with the Jainism, particularly, the concept of karmic body accompanying a soul from one birth to another sounds like the postulate of Darwin's theory which states the gene flow from one generation to the next. Mahapragya has critically examined the evolutionary theory vis-à-vis Jain principles. According to him, the Darwin's theory is based on four main postulates -
1. Gene flow
2. Gene drift and adaptation
3. Maximum offspring
4. Survival of the fittest
Mahapragya partially agrees with these observations and considers them as incomplete as they are entirely based on the external and physical aspects. Quoting from the Jain principles, Mahapragya states that the species can evolve within their own class, but the transmutation is not possible. A cat may evolve to become a lion, a lizard too can become a crocodile down the generations, but the gene drift and survival of fittest cannot result in species evolving from one group to entirely different another group.
5.2. Heredity
Darwin's theory opened the floodgates for genetic engineering, which has today become an obsession with the scientists and medicos. Genetic
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