and jiva cannot freely travel from one field of gravitation to another, to do so additional energy is required, as in the case of a space shuttle which needs a minimum speed of 11 Km/sec to be able to escape earth's gravitation. There is an interesting mention in the Jain literatures that deities acquire special energy from an 'Uppat Mountain' before being able to enter middle lok from their abode in upper lok.
Mahapragya has pointed out this episode to be of special interest as it unravels a scientific mystery. A comparative study of Agamic and scientific theories of motion is presented here.
Agamic Beliefs
Let us enumerate salient features of the drama in which three characters namely, Shakra - Vajra - Chamar had played lead roles -
* Velocity Of Shakra & Vajra
As they both belonged to the upper (Urdhva) lok, their velocity initially was fast and accelerated. In middle (Triyak) lok, their velocity encountered resistance and was slow, while in the lower (Adhow) lok it was extremely retarded. Therefore, for Shakra in upper Lok
Urdhva Gati > Triyak Gati > Adhow Gati
• Velocity Of Chamar
As he belonged to the lower (Adhow) lok, his velocity was slow and retarded in the beginning of the incidence. Later when he entered the middle (Triyak) lok, his velocity gained momentum, while in the lower (Urdhva) lok, from where he actually came, it was fast and accelerated. Therefore, for Chamar in lower Lok
Adhow Gati > Triyak Gati > Urdhva Gati
Agam view suggests that the different forms of matter experience the gravitational field differently. Quantitative analysis, as available in Agams is tabulated here -
Upper (Urdhva)
Middle (Triyak)
Lower (Adhow)
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