high frequency radiations emitting from a hot body. Since the universe is presumed to be extremely hot at the time of big-bang, the frequencies emitted then can reveal the correct picture, if detected.
To sum up – the present cosmological picture painted by scientists is as follows:
Age of the universe is around 14 billion years and it is by and large homogeneous. It is full of lightest elements, like hydrogen, helium and lithium.
It has abundance of cold dark matter - huge clouds of particles that are detectable by their gravitational effect only. This finding is astonishingly close to Jain philosophy. Within a fraction of a second, the universe inflated at a tremendously accelerated rate simultaneously releasing burst of radiation. Soon after inflation, the regions of high density were acted
upon by the cold dark matter to form the galaxies. What Scientists have failed to explain: > Boundary, shape and size of the universe?. > What was before Big Bang and what initiated it?
As the three space co-ordinates can be drawn by assigning a suitable zero, time-factor too, can be described in terms of elapsed time with respect to some reference. But when we are talking about universe, we need to know the absolute zero co-ordinates of space and an absolute zero moment of start of time. Both are eluding science.
If it is expanding, how far will it expand? OR will it collapse after the momentum of far off galaxies diminishes? If all the matter was together at one point of time (Big Bang), and no matter can travel faster than speed of light (as predicted by quantum mechanics and the general theory of relativity), why stars and galaxies are out of our sight?
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