whether dynamic or static, the very presence of ether is dispensable. All arguments of ether being a metaphysical entity were discarded and Einstein's view prevailed. But, believers of Jainism will find it interesting to note that the things have come to the full circle as scientist now need a 'medium' to explain the way gravitational forces act!
b. Statons (Adharmastikaya)
An anti-matter to dynaons, these particles co-exist with them and are medium to gravitation (sthithee). Their presence actually completes the picture of universe. Scientifically, we all know the matter would collapse under gravity if the gravitational forces are not counter balanced by forces of velocity. Electrons are orbiting to avoid collapsing into the nucleus. Earth is orbiting so that its centrifugal force is equal to the gravitational force of sun. The solar system, in turn is rotating and so is our galaxy, the Milky Way. Even all the other galaxies, which we know of, are spinning presumably to prevent fall under gravity. Jainism states that all forms of matter take SHAPE only when the forces of energy are at equilibrium with the forces of gravity. Jainism therefore does not believe in Designed Intelligence but proclaims Default Intelligence. In the former case, the universe becomes somebody's discretion, whereas in the latter case, it spontaneously exists under certain fundamental rules.
It is amazing that no other religion on this earth has promulgated the presence of all encompassing mattereals as is done by Jainism. And as we have understood so far, how near the Jain philosophy is to the modern science! It even can extend helping solutions to some of the enigmas faced by the scientists regarding the boundaries of universe and the extent of time. Conclusions of Science (so far):
Scientific evidences point an explosive start by Big-bang and extrapolate a catastrophic end of universe by Big-crunch. Though many questions remain unanswered in between the two. Prominent among them are - what before beginning and what after the end? These questions have compelled scientists to think like philosophers!
According to Einstein the moment of beginning is singular and unique, thus laws of physics come into force only after the big-bang. Dr. Hawkins explains that anything which existed before is destroyed by the big-bang and so there is no need to know whatsoever existed before it. Succinctly, anything before big-bang has no consequence in the present universe.
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