reducing the mental tension or not can now be scientifically verified with the help of measurement of blood-pressure and other vital body parameters. With the help of available scientific instruments, which can collect data objectively by performing experiments, the problems of humanity at large can be solved. If such spirituality with scientific methodology is provided in teaching institutions, various discrepancies of excessively luxurious life like, violence, inequality, deception etc. can be controlled to a large extent. My Aspirations
From the above discussions it is evident that the writings of Mahapragya on Jain philosophy, science and psychology are authoritative and convincing. His literature is available in abundance and can take the shape of a complete book for the readers. I felt that through a planned schedule, I can express my heartfelt gratitude to my reverend guru by collecting, analysing and extending his life's precious work in the field of uniting science with spiritualism. Though my subject was Chemistry, I had keen interest in the studies of Jain philosophy right from the beginning. With the blessings of my guru I could reap a rich harvest over the extended period of time. When the clouds get the favourable weather conditions, they rain. This became true for me too. Samni Mangalpragya, Director of Mahadev Saraogi Anekant Research Centre suggested that the new and comparative writings on Jain studies and science are the need of the hour and I must take up this challenge.
gs got the wings of her inspiration and this combination was ready to take-off.
During the year 2004, I visited Jain Vishva Bharati Institute to deliver lectures. The Vice-Chancellor of the Institute, Mrs. Sudhamahi Raghunathan, was present during one of the lectures. She insisted that I should write on the scientific contents of Mahapragya's literature. Sensing my desire for the same, she promptly sent a formal letter to me the same day. My aspiration had now become a reality, and I chose the subject: "Mahapragya's contribution in the Unification of Jain Studies and Science." Samni Mangalpragya discussed my plans with Mahapragya. After his consent, a firm proposal was sent to the Vice-Chancellor. Samni Mangalpragya helped in completing all the formalities, as a result of which the book was written and published in 2005 in Hindi. The Limitations of My Study
Before beginning the work on the project, I studied several Hindi editions of Mahapragya's literature. I also scanned the comments given by him in the revised and edited Jain Aagamic literature. I kept on collecting all those writings which related the Jain studies to the science. While studying, I realised that he is an extraordinarily talented author. He is not only a scholar of the traditional Indian thoughts, but he also possesses deep knowledge of modern psychology and scientific thoughts. To simplify the interpretations
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