life. It is interactive intelligence - loksangya. If our knowledge base is left to our genes and senses only, our conscience will never rise beyond that of an animal; we would kill whenever hungry and sleep whenever tired. It is our soul's ability - loksangya - to acquire and ingest the knowledge from others' experience. Humans have the skill to acquire the collectively accumulated information by way of verbal or written communication. Though it involves the usage of our senses (samveg), it also involves our intuition (ogh) to assimilate only the truth and filter out the trash. Our senses do not undergo the direct experience, but we accept the collective experience of generations together. Therefore, Mahapragya says that this kind of knowledge should not be considered as entirely mundane, but it is interactive - between sensory and intuitive.
Having explained the entire gamut of Sangyanyen, Mahapragya has inculcated its psychological implications and repercussions in alleviating the human stress and experiencing a peaceful state of mind. He states that in the present context some psychological facts are also relevant. In psychology, mental processes are regarded as having two forms: Bhaav and Samveg. Bhaav is a simple and primary mental process. Samveg, on the other hand, is complex. Fear, anger, love, exhilaration, laugh, jealousy, etc. are called Samveg. Their origin lies in a psychological condition/state/circumstance and it affects the physical and mental system.
Samveg brings about external and internal changes. Among the external changes, the three main changes are:
(1) Facial expression (2) Vocal expression (3) Bodily posture. Internal changes are: (1) Changes in respiration (2) Changes in heart beat (3) Changes in blood pressure (4) Changes in gastro-intestinal or digestive function (5) Chemical changes in blood (6) Changes in psycho galvanic responses and brain waves (7) Changes in the activities of the glands.
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