universe remains unchanged. Matter can change its form but cannot be entirely destructed or newly created. Normally, in our day to day experience, we see matter changing various forms wherein it appears to have been destroyed, but factually it is only transformation from one form of matter to another. Lavoisier cited a very interesting example to explain – 'coal burning to ashes'. Apparently coal seems to have been destroyed but actually it has converted into two forms namely, solid ash and gaseous Carbonic acid formed by the combination of atmospheric Oxygen and Carbon present in the coal.
Similarly, we see rusting of Iron. The rust is not a newly created substance; it is just conversion of Iron into its oxy-hydrate by the action of water-vapour and oxygen present in the air on the surface of iron object..
Many a times, matter does not undergo form transformation but changes its state keeping all physical attributes intact. One such example is that of a rice or wheat grain. Before being cooked it is said to be Vanaspati-Kaya, while after being heated, it transforms to Agni-kaya.
As science progressed and the studies were conducted in the fields of Light, Temperature and Magnetism, Law of Conservation of Energy was conceptualised. As more accurate measurements were carried out it was found that a very miniscule amount of pre-reaction mass was missing from the total post-reaction masses. Both these laws failed to explain this tiny loss in mass in various chemical reactions. This limitation was overcome by the greatest scientist of our times - Einstein.
Mutual Transformation of Matter and Energy
As the form, mode or body of matter transforms, several invisible processes happen simultaneously, viz. absorption or release of energy. It was found that such a transaction of energy always takes place when a matter undergoes transformation. Einstein thus gave a historic concept that the matter can be converted to energy and vice-versa. Earlier prevalent concepts of matter and energy as independent entities were shattered by the famous equation of Einstein inter-relating the mass and the energy -
E = mc2, where E = Energy
m = Mass
c = Velocity of Light (3x108 m/sec)
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